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据媒体报道,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所研究员王竹,不久前对北京餐馆就餐者膳食营养进行了一次调查研究,披露了餐馆饭菜的营养状况。这次调查共涉及2204名下馆子的消费者,998种菜肴,其中包括主食167种、凉菜240种、炒菜557种、汤羹34种。调查结果显示,人们外出就餐时主要存在三大问题。首先,油多盐多。中国营养学会建议每天食盐摄入量不宜超过6克,而下馆子的人一顿吃下去的钠就有2902毫克,一顿吃的量比推荐量一天还多。其次,畜禽肉类太多。我国居民膳食指南推荐,成人每日摄入畜禽肉类应控制在50克~75克之间,而在外就餐一顿可平均吃进120克肉类,再加上水产50克以及蛋类,动物性食品摄入总量较高。第三,主食相对较少且过精。人们下馆子更加偏爱精细制作的点心和面食,使碳水化合物供能比偏低。 According to media reports, Wang Zhu, a researcher with the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Nutrition and Food Safety, recently conducted a survey on dietary nutrition of diners in Beijing restaurants and disclosed the nutritional status of the restaurant’s meals. The survey involved a total of 2,204 members of the restaurant, 998 kinds of dishes, including 167 kinds of staple food, 240 kinds of cold dishes, 557 kinds of cooking dishes and 34 kinds of soups. The survey results show that there are three major problems when people go out to dine. First of all, oil and more salt. Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that daily intake of salt should not exceed 6 grams, while the people who eat the restaurant have 2902 mg of sodium to eat, eat a meal more than the recommended amount one day. Second, there is too much animal meat. Chinese dietary guidelines recommend that adults daily intake of livestock and poultry meat should be controlled between 50 grams to 75 grams, while eating meal can eat an average of 120 grams of meat, together with 50 grams of aquatic products and eggs, animals Higher total food intake. Third, the staple food is relatively small and refined. People are more interested in the restaurant to produce carefully crafted snacks and pasta, carbohydrate energy ratio is low.
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