
来源 :中共南昌市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smilezhangnan
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1927年8月1日爆发的南昌起义(简称“八·一”起义),是中国共产党第一次直接领导的带有全局意义的武装暴动。它打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,宣告了中国共产党要将革命进行到底的坚定立场,标志着中国共产党独立地领导革命和创造革命军队的开始。抚今追昔,90年后回看起义,充分认识“八·一”起义在中国共产党领导革命伟大历史进程中的开创性意义,有助于正确认识共产党的历史,形成对党的正确判断,认识到伟大、光荣、正确的共产党代表着光明未来与进步方向,有助于坚定理想信念,有助于坚定中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信。 The Nanchang Uprising (abbreviated as “August 1”), which broke out on August 1, 1927, is the first armed insurrection led by the Communist Party of China with a global significance. It started with the first shot of armed opposition to the Kuomintang reactionaries and declared the firm position of the Chinese Communist Party in carrying it through to the end, marking the beginning of the independent leadership of the Chinese Communist Party in the revolution and in the creation of a revolutionary army. Recalling the past and recalling the Uprising 90 years later, it is enough to fully understand the pioneering significance of the “August 1” "uprising in the great historical process of the leadership of the CPC in leading the revolution and help to correctly understand the history of the Communist Party and form a correct judgment and understanding of the party To a great, glorious and correct Communist party represents a bright future and progress direction, it will help to firm our ideals and conviction and help to strengthen the self-confidence, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence and cultural confidence in the socialist road with Chinese characteristics.
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