调整优化求发展 巩固提高上台阶

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中海货运2004年的工作方针是:竭诚服务创一流,优化管理增效益。具体要抓好以下十个方面的工作:一、立足电煤,诚信服务,提高效益。坚持以沿海运输为主体,以电煤运输为核心的市场战略不动摇,综合评价三条业务主线的运力安排。继续贯彻“诚信服务、优质高效”的服务理念,以高标准的优质服务赢得客户的信赖。树立企业形象,进一步巩固和扩大沿海煤炭运输的市场占有率,通过良好的服务、稳健的经营,逐年提升企业创利能力。二、科学组织、精心调整,确保高效运营。 In 2004, CSCL’s working principle is: Serve wholeheartedly with top-notch service, optimize management and increase profit. Specifically to do a good job in the following ten aspects: First, based on coal, good faith service and improve efficiency. Adhere to the coastal transportation as the mainstay, with coal transport as the core strategy of the market unshakeable, comprehensive evaluation of the capacity of the three business lines arrangements. Continue to implement the “good faith service, high quality and efficient” service concept, with high standards of quality service to win the trust of customers. Establish a corporate image, further consolidate and expand the market share of coastal coal transportation, and improve the profit-making ability of enterprises through good service and steady operation year by year. Second, scientific organization, carefully adjusted to ensure efficient operation.
“十二五”是我国全面建设小康社会的关键时期,是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期。政府工作报告提出了今后5年一系列以质量拉动经济发展的“增效框架”。出席本次人代会的浙江代表团人大代表结合浙江实际,共论经济发展大计。    通胀猛如虎,政府先降温    2010年,人们深切地感受到:涨价是“你方唱罢我登场”,一波一波地推动物价上涨。从农产品领域的“蒜你狠”、“豆你玩”、“玉米疯”,到房价的
从封闭落后的小渔村,嬗变为充满活力、机遇与潜力的大口岸,黑龙江省抚远县用超前的思维、科学的谋划、不懈的坚持创造了跨越发展的奇迹。 From the small, closed fishing v