Effect of process parameters on dry centrifugal granulation of molten slag by a rotary disk atomizer

来源 :钢铁研究学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a12c3d4e5f6
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Dry centrifugal granulation (DCG) experiments for blast furnace slag (BFS) were performed by means of a rotary disk atomizer since water quenching method can create a series of problems.The results showed that the DCG method can granulate the BFS,but the results are easily affected by the slag flow rate,disk rotating speed,disk radius,disk material and slag falling height.The granulating parameters with an excessive flow rate,low rotating speed,SiN-SiC disk,stainless steel disk and low slag falling height are detrimental to the granulation process.The most suitable parameters for granulation are a slag flow rate of 5.1 × 10-5 m3/s,a disk rotating speed of 1500-2300 r/min,a slag falling height of 0.8 m and a smooth graphitic disk with the radius of 0.1 m.In the absence of an off-center flow,the overall best granulating effect produces round particles with mean diameter of 3.43 mm without creating slag fiber.The vitreous content of the BFS particles granulated by graphite disks is 92%,which meets the requirements of cement raw materials.The Bond work index of dry granulated BFS is 18.4 kWh/t,and the grindability of dry granulated slag and water-quenched slag is similar.
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