《天然气》(GB 17820-1999)等6项国家标准宣贯培训讲座在成都举行

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GB 17820-1999《天然气》已代替行业标准SY7514-88《天然气》,并于1999年8月20日发布,于2000年3月1日起实施。该国家标准为强制性标准,同SY7514-88相比,技术内容有较大的变化。为了保证《天然气》国家标准的顺利实施,全国天然 GB 17820-1999 “Natural Gas” has replaced the industry standard SY7514-88 “Natural Gas” and was released on August 20, 1999 and came into force on March 1, 2000. The national standard is a mandatory standard, compared with the SY7514-88, the technical content of major changes. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of “natural gas” national standards, the whole country is natural
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