情报研究对从业者的素质无疑有着特定的要求,并且这种要求是很高的,因为情报研究是一种复杂的智力劳动,是一种需要分析、归纳、综合、判断,需要自如地选择,运用诸多研究方法并在研究活动中丰富这些方法的富于创造性的工作。那么情报研究人员应具备怎样的素质呢?1 优越的文字修养、犀利的笔 这是由情报工作的性质所决定的。就本质而言,情报研究人员是把零次情报变为一次情报,把一、二次情报变为三次情报,完成这一转变不可缺少的能力是语言能力,因为分析、综合、概括能力都通过驾
Intelligence research undoubtedly possesses specific requirements on practitioners’ qualities. And this requirement is very high. Because intelligence research is a complex intellectual work, it is a need to analyze, summarize, synthesize, judge, and need to choose freely, Use a variety of research methods and enrich the creative work of these methods in research activities. So intelligence researchers should have what kind of quality? 1 excellent literacy, sharp pen which is determined by the nature of intelligence work. Essentially, intelligence researchers change zero-level intelligence into intelligence and one or two intelligence into three intelligences. The indispensable ability to accomplish this is language proficiency because the ability to analyze, synthesize and summarize drive