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美国能源信息署 (EIA) 近日表示,2012 年至 2020 年期间,美国的天然气地下储存能力基本持平,2019 年至 2020 年几乎没有变化.rn2019年,美国本土48州所有投产设施的设计容量或天然气总容量增加了 40 亿立方英尺(1立方英尺≈0.028立方米),与 2019 年相比增加了0.1%.
We report results from a neutral hydrogen (H I) intensity mapping survey conducted with a Phased Array Feed (PAF) on the Parkes telescope.The survey was designe
The results of a study on the binary HIP 18856 and construction of its orbit are presented.New observational data were obtained at the BTA of SAO RAS in 2007-20
Major elements such as Fe,Ti,Mg,A1,Ca and Si play very important roles in understanding the origin and evolution of the Moon.Previous maps of these major elemen
The LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) has recently conducted a survey (LOFAR Tied-Array All-sky Survey;LOTAAS) for pulsars in the Northern hemisphere that resulted in
随着需求激增,中国一直注重于开发其庞大的页岩气资源以增加其天然气供应. 尽管最近页岩油产量持续上升,但中国要复制(至少是部分复制)美国页岩油的繁荣,它仍然有几个主要挑
Mean motion resonances (MMRs) are widespread in our Solar System.Moreover,resonant dynamics has always been an essential topic in planetary research.Recently,th
The generation of magnetic fields of galaxies is usually described by the dynamo mechanism.This process is characterized by the Steenbeck-Krause-R(a)dler equati
The young shell-type supernova remnant RCW 103 has peculiar properties in the X-ray morphology obtained with Chandra.The southeastern shell is brighter in the X
The LE is the low energy telescope that is carried on Insight-HXMT.It uses swept charge devices(SCDs) to detect soft X-ray photons.LE's time response is caused
Since Sep.2018,LAMOST has started the medium-resolution (R ~ 7500) spectral survey(MRS).We proposed the spectral survey of Galactic nebulae,including H Ⅱ region