奔迈新款带有4GB微硬盘的掌上电脑就要上市了,如此大的存储容量相信让最挑剔的玩家也能满意。但是使用老型号的用户仍然要不时担心内存的使用情况。如果你的Palm掌上电脑内置Wi-Fi或蓝牙功能,就可以利用这款InfiniFile软件,让掌上电脑可以直接读取PC的硬盘,享用海量的硬盘空间。 InfiniFile的原理就是通过无线网络让掌上电脑与PC连接,并存取指定的文件夹,还可以用媒体播放软件播放电脑硬盘里的音乐文件或是图片。InfiniFile需要在掌上电脑上安装软件,同时也要在PC上安装服务器端。服务器端的设置比较简单,只需要指定电脑的名称并选定一个文件夹。最好为InfiniFile建立专门的文件夹,假如只使用根目录,可能会造成Palm端软件搜索到过多文件而出错。连接成功后,掌上电脑上会多出一个名为InfiniFile的“记忆卡”。用户可以像使用外存储卡一样来操作它。目前InfiniFile支持奔迈的Zire72、Tungsten C、Tungsten T3以及索尼Clie NX、UX系列,而服务器端支持Windows 2000以上操作系统。
The new Palm handheld with a 4GB micro hard drive is on the market, so much storage capacity is believed to make the most discerning players happy. However, users of older models still have to worry about memory usage from time to time. If your Palm Pocket PC has built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities, you can take advantage of this InfiniFile software, allowing your handheld to read directly from your PC’s hard drive and enjoy hard drive space. InfiniFile’s principle is to connect your handheld to a PC via a wireless network and to access the specified folder. You can also use the media player software to play music files or pictures from your computer’s hard drive. InfiniFile requires software to be installed on your handheld, as well as installing a server on your PC. Server-side settings is relatively simple, just specify the name of the computer and select a folder. It is best to create a dedicated folder for InfiniFile, if only the root directory, may cause the Palm side software to search for too many files and make an error. After the connection is successful, an “InfiniFile” memory card will be added to your handheld. The user can operate it as if using an external memory card. Currently, InfiniFile supports the Zire72, Tungsten C, Tungsten T3, and Sony Clie NX, UX series of the Palm, and the server-side supports the Windows 2000 and above operating system.