龙潭山下展龙威 记吉林市人大代表、龙潭公安分局遵义派出所所长吴国龙

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吴国龙生长在风景秀丽的龙潭山脚下。他所任职的遵义派出所也座落在这里。提起吴国龙,凡是他接触、服务过的居民百性,都称赞他是犯罪分子的克星,百姓安宁的靠山与脊梁。吴国龙参加公安工作15年来,始终牢记人民警察所肩负的责任和使命,为了有效地保护人民、打击犯罪,他练就了一身过硬的业务本领。刚参加公安工作时,为了尽快熟悉公安业务,他不辞辛苦,努力熟悉和掌握辖区人口的自然情况。当时,管内共有居民1300户,大多是双职工,他利用晚上和节假日深入居民区串百家门,记百家人,逐户了解情况。同时,他还 Wu Guolong grows at the foot of the scenic Longtan Mountain. Zunyi police station where he is also located here. Mention of Wu Guolong, who contact with him, serve the residents are praised him as a nemesis of criminals, the people backyard and the backbone of peace. For 15 years since he took part in public security work, Wu Guolong always kept in mind the responsibilities and missions shouldered by the people’s police and, in order to effectively protect the people and crack down on crimes, he trained himself with a solid business skill. When he first joined the public security work, in order to familiarize himself with the public security work as soon as possible, he worked tirelessly and endeavored to become familiar with and grasp the natural conditions of the population in his jurisdiction. At that time, there were 1,300 inhabitants in the tube, most of whom were dual-occupiers. He spent the evening and holidays deep into the neighborhoods to write 100 families and keep a record of every household. At the same time, he also
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