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今天,提起“青岛海尔集团”,人们已不再感到陌生。海尔冰箱、空调、电冰柜、微波炉、热水器等名牌产品已走进我们的家庭,并远销欧、美、中东、东南亚等30多个国家和地区。 海尔集团从一个1984年底亏损147万元的濒临倒闭的集体小厂,经过9年迅速发展,壮大成为1993年销售收入14.87亿元、利润1.25亿元的国内外著名的企业集团,走的是一条摸索前进的路。每每回顾这一段,海尔集团的领导都会这样讲:“青岛海关对海尔集团的发展功不可没!” 1991年底,青岛市政府批准以青岛电冰箱厂为核心,青岛空调器厂(引进日本三洋技术)、青岛电冰柜总厂(引进丹麦技术)联合组成青岛海尔集团。青岛海关看到近几年来,集团由于生产规模不断扩大,出口量大增,进口料件数量逐渐增多,办理进口手续繁琐,便主动找上门去,建议该厂实行一种新制度——建立保税仓库。海尔人欣然接受了海关送来的“及时雨”。海关派人来到集团,同海尔人一起整理库房,建立保税物资和产成品的产销存帐册,库房管理制度,并专门为集团培训了库房管理人员。就这样,一个面积5000平方米、存储货物100多种的保税仓库诞生了。它的诞生,使 Today, the “Qingdao Haier Group” is mentioned and people are no longer strangers. Haier refrigerators, air conditioners, electric freezers, microwave ovens, water heaters and other brand-name products have entered our homes and are exported to Europe, the United States, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, more than 30 countries and regions. The Haier Group lost a total of 1.47 million yuan from the end of 1984. It was a group of small factories that were close to collapse. After nine years of rapid development, it has grown into a famous domestic and foreign enterprise group with 1993 sales revenue of 1.487 billion yuan and profit of 125 million yuan. Explore the way forward. Whenever this section is reviewed, the Haier Group leaders will say this: “The Qingdao Customs contributed to the development of the Haier Group!” At the end of 1991, the Qingdao Municipal Government approved the Qingdao Refrigerator Factory as the core and Qingdao Air Conditioner Factory (the introduction of the Japanese Sanyo Technology ), Qingdao Electric Freezer Plant (the introduction of Danish technology) jointly formed Qingdao Haier Group. In the past few years, Qingdao Customs saw that due to the continuous expansion of production scale, the increase in export volume, the increase in the number of imported materials, and the tedious import procedures, the Group took the initiative to come to the door, suggesting that the plant implement a new system - the establishment of bonded warehouse. Haier people readily accepted the “timely rain” sent by the customs. The customs sent people to the group to work together with the Haier people to sort out warehouses, set up sales and deposit books for bonded goods and finished products, warehouse management systems, and specially trained warehouse managers for the group. In this way, a bonded warehouse with an area of ​​5,000 square meters and storing more than 100 kinds of goods was born. Its birth made it
北京市大型商业企业形象调查,百货大楼始终名列第一 1994年荣获北京市经济百强之首全国大型零售商场经济效益排序,利润居全国第一车水马龙,张灯结彩 The image of a large-
本刊讯(通讯员海斯报道)金光集团APP(中国)6月27日在海南省洋浦经济开发区举行“立足中国、绿色承诺”宣言发布仪式,宣言明确承诺贯彻可持续 (The Correspondent: The Hayes
△复关是中国改革开放的需要 △中国的复关努力不会付之东流 △西方国家作梗是因为他们缺乏深邃的历史纵横感和准确的现实认同性 △Rehabilitation is the need of China