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目的了解河北省非政府组织(NGO)开展艾滋病防治工作的现状,为更好地动员民间组织参与艾滋病防治工作提供依据。方法由经过培训的调查员用自行设计的调查表调查河北省11个市参与艾滋病防治工作的NGO。调查所得数据用EpiData3.0建立数据库,统计软件SPSS13.0进行资料分析。结果河北省NGO开展了形式多样的的艾滋病防治工作,涵盖了宣传教育、培训、治疗、咨询、关怀救助、科普创作、公益广告制作、干预和政策开发等8个方面。但是工作主要以宣传教育为主。而在其他方面参与的NGO组织很少。覆盖的人群也以大众人群为主,未涉及到暗娼、同性恋、吸毒等高危人群。结论参与艾滋病防治活动的NGO的数量不足,无论在广度和深度上不能适应我省艾滋病防治工作的需要,要加大经费、技术和政策上支持的力度,促使更多的NGO参与艾滋病防治工作。 Objective To understand the status quo of HIV / AIDS prevention and control work by non-government organizations (NGOs) in Hebei Province and provide basis for mobilizing non-government organizations to participate in AIDS prevention and control. Methods The trained investigators used self-designed questionnaires to investigate NGOs involved in HIV / AIDS prevention and control in 11 cities of Hebei Province. Survey data obtained using EpiData3.0 database, statistical software SPSS13.0 for data analysis. Results The NGOs in Hebei Province carried out various forms of AIDS prevention and control work, covering eight aspects of publicity, education, training, treatment, counseling, care and assistance, popular science creation, public service advertisement production, intervention and policy development. However, the main work of the publicity and education. There are very few NGOs involved in other areas. The population covered is also dominated by the general population, not involving the sex workers, homosexuals, drug users and other high-risk groups. Conclusion The number of NGOs involved in AIDS prevention and control activities is not enough, and it can not meet the needs of HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment in our province both in breadth and depth. We should increase funding, technology and policy support and encourage more NGOs to participate in AIDS prevention and control work.
目的 分析ELISA在出入境人员梅毒检测中的应用价值.方法 对出入境人员1847份标本采用TRUST和ELISA同步盲法进行检测,TRUST或ELISA阳性者进行TPPA检测;对TRUST阴性,ELISA阳性
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