构建党建新格局 促进企业新发展

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包头供电局党委始终坚持“融入中心抓党建,履职尽责促发展”的工作原则,找准党建工作与中心工作的结合点,不断创新党建工作的内容和方式,形成了党委统一领导、党政齐抓共管、部门联动配合、党员干部带头示范、职工群众广泛参与的“大党建”工作格局。一、凝聚思想共识,筑牢制度根基,保障科学发展强化思想引导。一是提高中心组学习的针对性。紧紧围绕企业改革发展的形势任务和中心工作进行学习讨论,进一步提高认识、 Party committees at Baotou Power Supply Bureau always adhered to the working principle of “integrating the Party into the party building, performing due diligence and promoting development”, identifying the combination point of the party building work and the center work, continuously innovated the content and methods of the party building work, formed the unified leadership of party committees, The Party and government make concerted efforts with the government and departments to coordinate and cooperate with each other. Party members and cadres take the lead in demonstrations and the masses of workers are extensively involved in the “big party building” work pattern. First, gather consensus, establish a solid foundation for the system, and ensure scientific development Strengthen the ideological guidance. First, to improve the focus of the study group. Focus on the situation and tasks of the reform and development of enterprises and the central task of learning and discussion to further enhance awareness,
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