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中国农村经济研究会是大革命失败以后中国思想界矛盾斗争的产物,是在陈翰笙领导的农村调查的基础上产生的,还与陈在中央研究院的工作受阻有关。它从1933年成立到1951年解散,工作重心和会址数度变迁,在各地均开展了卓有成效的活动。该会具有鲜明的学术特色;保持“合法性”是其在国统区生存的基本策略;中共对该会的政治指导是通过在其中工作的中共党员的自觉行动实现的。中国农村经济研究会是左翼文化运动的重要组成部分。 The study of China’s rural economy was a product of the contradictions and struggles among the Chinese intellectual circles since the failure of the Great Revolution and was based on the rural investigation led by Chen Han-sheng and was also hindered by Chen’s work at the Academia Sinica. It was dissolved from the founding of 1933 to 1951, the center of gravity of work and the venue changed several times, and fruitful activities were carried out in various places. It has distinctive academic features; maintaining “legitimacy” is its basic strategy for survival in the KMT-ruled areas; and the CPC’s political guidance to the society is realized through the conscious actions of the CPC members working among them. The China Rural Economic Research Association is an important part of the left-wing cultural movement.
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