互联网之父Vinton Cerf撰写RFC2468 追忆IANA创始人Jonathan

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互联网的各项基本协议都由IETF专门以RFC的形式进行标准化,从而保证互联网设备的互联互通,例如RFC791定义了IP协议,RFC793定义了TCP协议等。因此,人们往往认为RFC都是那些乏味的二进制编码和协议交互方式的定义。事实上,RFC的类型包括Standards(标准)、DraftStandards(草案标准)、ProposedStandards(提案标准)、Experimental(实验性的)、Informational(知识性的)、Historic(历史性的)以及EarlyRFCs(在IETF标准化之前早期的),其中知识性的RFC不乏充满各种趣味和互联网历史的内容。例如,IETF为了纪念著名的互联网先驱JonathanB.Postel,1998年10月17日由互联网之父VintonCerf(TCP/IP协议的发明人之一,国际地址与域名机构ICANN主席)专门撰写了RFC2468。鉴于JonPostel所创建的IANA在互联网发展史上的突出作用,RFC2468取题“追忆IANA”来表示对JonPostel的敬意。此外,JonPostel曾经工作过的地方ISI至今仍然维护着一个网站“Postel中心(”http://www.postel.org/)用以纪念JonPostel对互联网作出的卓越贡献。 The Internet’s basic protocols are standardized by the IETF in the form of RFCs to ensure interoperability of Internet devices. For example, RFC791 defines the IP protocol and RFC793 defines the TCP protocol. Therefore, people often think that RFC is the definition of those boring binary code and protocol interaction. In fact, the types of RFCs include Standards, DraftStandards, ProposedStandards, Experimental, Informational, Historic, and EarlyRFCs (standardized in the IETF Earlier), where informative RFCs are full of fun and Internet history content. For example, in commemoration of the famous Internet pioneer JonathanB.Postel, IETF authored RFC2468 on October 17, 1998 by Vinton Cerf, the inventor of the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and ICANN ’s chairman of the International Address and Domain Name Authority. In view of the outstanding role of IANA in the history of the Internet created by JonPostel, RFC2468 is a tribute to JonPostel, entitled “Recalling IANA”. In addition, ISPS, which JonPostel has worked for, still maintains a website "The Postel Center (http://www.postel.org/) commemorates JonPostel’s outstanding contribution to the Internet.
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