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屈曲约束支撑由于具有受压不会屈曲失稳的性质,与含有普通支撑的框架相比,含有屈曲约束支撑的框架具有更好的耗能作用。然而常规屈曲约束支撑的芯材和无粘结材料往往采用特殊材料制成,加工制作成本较高,不利于工程推广使用。为了避免常规屈曲约束支撑存在的上述缺陷,自主研制开发了一种带有缝隙和防滑凸起的新型屈曲约束支撑。着重介绍了这种新型屈曲约束支撑的构造和特点,并对6个支撑试件进行了包括标准加载和循环加载在内的低周反复加载试验。结合试验现象,分析、探讨了支撑的破坏机理。对这种屈曲约束支撑的弹性刚度、塑性刚度、屈服荷载和屈服位移等力学指标进行了测定,并将测定结果与基于双线性模型计算出的理论值进行了比较;同时参照我国规范和FEMA356,探讨了这种屈曲约束支撑的耗能能力。试验结果表明,这种新型屈曲约束支撑各项力学指标实测值与理论值符合较好,耗能能力稳定,满足国内外规范的要求,达到了工程应用的标准。 Due to the buckling-restrained brace’s buckling-buckling instability, the frame with buckling brace has a better energy-dissipating effect than the frame with normal brace. However, the conventional buckling-restrained core and non-bonded materials are often made of special materials with high processing and manufacturing costs, which is not conducive to the popularization and application of the project. In order to avoid the above drawbacks of conventional buckling restraints, a new type of buckling restrained brace with gap and anti-skid bulge has been developed independently. The construction and characteristics of this new type of buckling restrained support are emphatically introduced. Six low-cycle cyclic loading tests, including standard loading and cyclic loading, are carried out. Combined with the phenomenon of test, analysis and discussion of the failure mechanism of support. The mechanical indexes such as elastic stiffness, plastic stiffness, yield load and yield displacement of the buckling restrained brace were measured, and the measured results were compared with the theoretical values ​​calculated based on the bilinear model. At the same time, according to China’s code and FEMA356 , Discusses the energy dissipation capacity of this buckling restraint support. The experimental results show that the measured values ​​of the mechanical indexes of the new buckling restraint support are in good agreement with the theoretical values ​​and the energy dissipation capacity is stable, meeting the requirements of domestic and foreign codes and meeting the standards of engineering application.
【摘要】自信心能够使一个人的潜能源源不断得以释放,是人们克服困难获得成功的重要保证。数学学科有其丰富的内涵,巧妙的方法,悠久的历史,广泛的实用价值和深刻的思想性,这些都为我们学好数学增加了自信心。  【关键词】数学教学 学生 自信心 培养  初中学生正处于心理变化快,思想情绪不稳定的年龄阶段,在他们数学学习的过程中,教师要不断地给予指引,通过各种有利的方法给予帮助,纠正他们错误的学习思想和不良的学
详细介绍了大型电站锅炉绕带式水平刚性梁的计算方法。 The calculation method of the horizontal rigid beam wrapped around the belt of a large power plant is introd
对打造功能更加强大的望远镜来说,尺寸和形状都是很重要的参数。主镜面增大能捕捉更多光线,形状完美的镜面可以防止信号失真;两者有效结合可以观测到亮度更低的天体。然而这并非易事,因为随着望远镜镜面的增大,维持完美的镜面形状就变得更加困难。  20世纪六七十年代,解决这个问题成为一项重大挑战。当时的技术水平决定了主镜面的最大直径只有5米,一旦超过这个尺寸,镜面就会在重力作用下变形。如果要用当时的技术打造直
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