
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aibertini
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从古到今的成功者不胜枚举。而这些成功者中不外乎两类:一类成功者名噪四方、誉满天下;相形之下,另一类成功者则身居一隅,甘愿沉默。这种现象在艺术创作界、包括音乐界同样也屡见不鲜。我们无法否认,一个人的成功无不是成功者主观因素与客观社会条件促成的。所谓机遇,我以为是在个人才智相同的前提下,并不相同的各种社会条件,只是为极少数成功者拓展开一条铺满鲜花与洋溢着掌声的道路,从而使他们可以频频在传媒上抛头露面,从而获取了他人不易获得的声誉与影响。对此,只要我们面对当前的现实略加思索,就会明白。晓其,在作曲家中他无疑是一位成功者。然而,由于当今的他,既不在我国的文化中心北京(而是在西子湖畔的杭州),又不在专业演出团体从事专业作曲(而是担任浙江省音乐家协会副主席兼秘书长),甚至不在音乐院校(而是担任发行量可观的《中小学音乐教育》杂志的社长兼总编辑),故按照今天约定俗成的划分,他似不应属于职业作曲家。但是,他刻苦而勤奋地创作了大量的声乐与乐队作品,并于2002年隆重地举办了“晓其作品音乐会”,且豪华型地请到了上海交响乐团担任伴奏,我国当代著名指挥家陈燮阳亲自执棒。此种作曲家个人作品音乐会的规格,无疑是与其音乐会的演唱与演奏曲目的水准褶互匹配、相互协调的。 There are numerous successes since ancient times. There are no more than two types of these winners: those who win the fame of the first category win the world, while the other winners, by contrast, are willing to be silent. This phenomenon is also common in the art world, including the music world. We can not deny that a person’s success is all contributed by subjective factors of success and objective social conditions. The so-called opportunity, which I consider to be the social conditions that are not the same under the same personal aptitudes, only extends the path of applause and flowery flowers filled with flowers for the handful of successful people so that they may frequently be in the media Get out of the way, gaining a reputation and impact that others have little access to. In this regard, as long as we give some thought to the current reality, we will understand it. Know it, he is undoubtedly a successful man in the composer. However, as he is now, he is neither in China’s cultural center Beijing (but in Hangzhou on the West Lake), nor in professional performing groups engaged in professional composition (but as vice chairman and secretary general of Zhejiang Musicians Association), or even not Music academies (but rather as president and editor-in-chief of the “Primary and Secondary School Music Education” magazine with a large circulation), it seems he should not belong to a professional composer in accordance with the prevailing division today. However, he painstakingly and diligently created a large number of vocals and band works, and in 2002 held a grand “concert of Xiao works”, and luxuriously invited to Shanghai Symphony Orchestra as accompaniment, China’s contemporary famous conductor Chen Xie Yang Personally stick. The specifications of such a composer’s solo concert are undoubtedly matched and coordinated with the level pleats of the concerts and performances of their concerts.
潘 主 兰 先 生 是著 名 书 画 篆 刻 家 、诗人,是当代书法领域有巨大影 响的书 法家。2001年潘主兰获得中国文联与中国书 协 共 同 主 办 的 国 家 级 书 法 专 业 学 术奖