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随着情侣摄影和外景便装摄影市场的不断扩大,拍摄活泼可爱、清新浪漫的外景情侣照片成为一种时尚。情侣照的消费人群主要集中在85后至90后的学生情侣以及刚刚步入社会的年轻情侣。为了迎合市场需求及年轻情侣的消费心理,主流外景情侣照以打造青春偶像剧的时尚、浪漫的画面感为主,注重田园色、糖果色以及对比色的运用,主张以鲜亮的色彩、清新的画面和有趣的情节来打动追求个性和品质的年轻情侣。在拍摄手法上以剧情式为主,追求自然、浪漫、温馨的生活化和情趣性。 With the couple photography and outdoor photography market continues to expand, shooting lively and lovely, romantic couple location photos become a fashion. Couples according to the consumer groups mainly in the 85 to 90 after the couple as well as students just entering the community of young couples. In order to meet the market demand and young couple’s consumer psychology, according to the mainstream couple to create a youth idol drama fashion, romantic picture-based, pay attention to the garden color, candy color and the use of contrasting colors, advocating bright colors, fresh images And interesting plot to impress the pursuit of personality and quality of young couple. In the shooting techniques to the main story, the pursuit of natural, romantic, warm life and fun.
  In this study,ferrous oxalate was prepared from ferrous sulfate and oxalic acid by precipitation reaction.The effect of the reaction conditions,such as reac
美国研究人员报道说:每周吃7个或更多鸡蛋的中年男人早亡的几率会更高。发表在《美国临床营养学杂志》(the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)上的研究成果表明:在为
以天然鳞片石墨为原料,采用氧化热还原和超声剥离法制备了石墨烯.利用低温(77K) N2吸附法测定了石墨烯的BET比表面积和孔结构,石墨烯的比表面积为281 m2/g,孔容为1.36 cm3/g,
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  In this paper,the preparation and ferromagnetic performance of ZnO doped with transition metal had been described.Since now,the theory that how the magnetis
  Hierarchically mesoporous silica coated superparamagnetic microspheres with an uniform particle diameter of 750-800 nm and shell thickness of 65-100 nm were
【摘要】自主学习一直是学生提高积极性与有效性的途径之一,是从被动机械的学习转化为主动的学习。在英语教学中,英语教师应该如何以学生为中心去激励学生进行主动学习是教师所要探讨的问题。本文结合新课改的基本理念,从自身的教学实践出发,探究了激励机制在教学中的实用性与可行性。  【关键词】自主学习 初中英语教学 激励机制  德国教育家第斯多惠曾说:“教学艺术其实不在于传授学生多少本领,而在于对学生的鼓舞、激