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德国自身的传统医学历史悠久,优于其他西方国家。德国应用植物药治疗疾病和保健的文字记载始于公元460年奴隶制的西罗马帝国后期,日尔曼民族大迁徙,在战争、疾病、灾荒中,植物药对保障民族的生存和繁衍起到了重要的作用。德国于公元1086年出版了首部《药用植物志》,公元1513年首部植物药典问世。正是因为这种基础,德国民众不仅对本国的植物药认可,对其他国家的植物药的认可程度也优于其他欧洲国家。德国是产销植物药最多的国家,1996年欧洲草药市场报告指出,欧洲草药销售额约38亿美元,其中德国占79%。近年来,德国草药销售额均在15亿美元以上,占欧洲草药市场的70~79%。在德国,西医学为主流医学,联邦“医生开业许可条例”规定,具有处方权的医生必须是在医科大学毕业,经过实习、各种技能训练,通过考试后才能获得医生开业资格,他们的处方国家医疗保险机构认可。 Germany’s own traditional medicine has a long history, better than other Western countries. The textual description of the use of botanical drugs in the treatment of illness and health in Germany began in the late Roman Empire of slavery in 460 AD and the Germans migrated in large numbers. In war, disease and famine, plant medicine played a role in ensuring the survival and reproduction of the nation Important role. The first “Medicinal Flora” was published in 1086 by Germany and the first Phytosanitary Pharmacopoeia was published in 1513. It is precisely because of this foundation that the German people not only recognize their own plant medicines but also those that are recognized in other countries as other plant medicines. Germany is the country that produces and exports the largest amount of botanical drugs. According to the 1996 report of the European herbal medicine market, the sales of herbal products in Europe are about 3.8 billion U.S. dollars, of which Germany accounts for 79%. In recent years, sales of German herbal medicines are above 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 70-79% of the European herbal medicine market. In Germany, Western medicine is the mainstream medicine. The federal Doctors’ Permission to Operate Regulations stipulates that doctors who have the right to prescription must graduate from a medical university, undergo an internship, train all kinds of skills, and pass an examination before they can get a doctor’s qualification. Their prescriptions National medical insurance agencies recognized.
江泽民总书记“七一”讲话中关于坚持党的工人阶级先锋队性质 ,保持党的先进性 ,增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础等一系列理论观点 ,从理论和实践的结合上科学明确地解答
党的最高纲领与最低纲领是统一的 ,统一于中华民族伟大复兴的社会实践中。中华民族的复兴是一个内涵丰富的伟大目标。坚持党的基本纲领 ,实现中华民族的伟大复兴 ,必须要保持