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发展散装水泥是水泥生产、流通、使用技术进步的重要产物,是水泥工业和建筑业实现经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型发展的重要途径,是社会化大生产发展的必然结果。“八五”期间,广西各级散装水泥办公室、散装主管部门以及水泥生产企业按照社会主义市场经济体制的原则,解放思想,转变观念,抓住机遇,扩大宣传,积极开拓散装水泥市场,并在协调服务、行业管理、科技攻关等方面做了大量的工作,使全区 The development of bulk cement is an important product of technological progress in cement production, circulation, and use. It is an important way for the cement industry and construction industry to achieve economic growth from extensive to intensive development, and is an inevitable result of the development of socialized large-scale production. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, Guangxi’s bulk cement offices at all levels, bulk bulkheads, and cement production enterprises, in accordance with the principles of the socialist market economic system, emancipated the mind, changed concepts, seized opportunities, expanded publicity, and actively explored the bulk cement market. Coordinated services, industry management, and scientific and technological research have done a lot of work to make the district
石家庄康华制药厂于1990年建成,生产土霉素。不久,土霉素的市场不景气,四环素的行情看好,康华就转产四环素。不到一年,四环素的市场开始下滑,这时赶上 VC 市场火爆,他们就跟
一  十三岁那年,我意外干趴了一个对手,他叫孔仇记,是我们班里的病夫,瘦不拉叽的,肩膀还没面条宽,而且头大身子小,活像一支金针菇。这小子有点酸文采,字写得也很拽,是语文课代表,才子之名浪得在外,不过论拳脚,他可就太稀松平常了。我们之间的梁子结得挺骚,那天我们几个小伙伴对着一堵墙打赌,看谁能尿过墙去,不比不知道,别看我个儿矮,人也不壮,滋得却最高。  尿得正欢,墙那边一声惊呼,孔仇记顶着满头的尿液走
美国《2012年促进创业企业融资法》(Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act,简称JOBS法案)的出台为小型企业通过网上集资方式募集资金提供一个较为宽松的制度环境,也体现了放
PRODUCTIONThe Chinese secondary industry has under-taken rapid development in the 1990’s.The production of secondary copper,alu-minium,lead,zinc combined was
COPPER PRICES IN THE FIRST HALFOF THE YEARChinese copper market prices have experi-enced periods of slow rises and quick fallsso far during 1997.After the Spri
伴随着一系列MacOS集成的新产品相继推出,苹果电脑公司的Internet/Intranet战略正在加速向前迈进。这一战略的初衷是把Macintosh开发成面向Internet计算的理想平台。 Intern