
来源 :武钢技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shirley09liu
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一、1987年节能效果 1987年,武钢全面完成了铁、钢、材产值和利税的生产经营目标任务,能耗则相对地大幅度降低。与1986年相比,铁、钢、材和总产值分别增长5.52%、5.99%、3.06%和7.25%,而自耗能源总量仅增长了0.72%。企业能源消耗弹性系数为0.1。按各项产品能耗定额计算,1987年节能相当于12.2万吨标煤。 1987年主要能耗指标与1986年相比又有进一步刷新;万元产值能耗降到14.67吨标煤,下降6.08%;吨材综合能耗降到1243公斤标煤,下降1.58%;吨钢综合能耗降到1177公斤标煤,下降4.93%;吨钢可比能耗降到986公斤标煤,下降3.05%,并已达到钢铁联合企业国家一级企业标准。全公司11个主要生产工序能耗有9个在继续下降。大型工序能耗已达到特级工序标准;烧结、炼铁、平炉、转炉(含连铸)、初轧、轧板、热轧、 First, the energy-saving effect in 1987 In 1987, WISCO completed the production and operation objectives and tasks of iron, steel, timber production value and profits and taxes comprehensively, and energy consumption was relatively reduced substantially. Compared with 1986, iron, steel, timber and total output value increased by 5.52%, 5.99%, 3.06% and 7.25% respectively, while total energy consumption increased by only 0.72%. Enterprise energy consumption elasticity of 0.1. According to the fixed energy consumption of various products, the energy saving in 1987 is equivalent to 122,000 tons of standard coal. In 1987, the major energy consumption indicators were further refreshed compared with 1986; the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan output value dropped to 14.67 tons of standard coal, down 6.08%; the comprehensive energy consumption of tonnage dropped to 1,243 kg of standard coal, down 1.58%; that of steel Comprehensive energy consumption dropped to 1177 kilograms of standard coal, down 4.93%; comparable energy consumption per ton of steel down 986 kilograms of standard coal, down 3.05%, and has reached the steel enterprise level enterprise standards. Nine of the 11 major production processes across the company have continued to decline. Large-scale process energy consumption has reached the level of special processes; sintering, ironmaking, open hearth, converter (including continuous casting), initial rolling, rolling, hot rolling,
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