Characterizations of Chinese isolates of Coxiella burnetii in the com1 gene sequence

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjl658788
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Objective: To know some genetical characterizations of Coxiella burnetii Chinese isolates by comparing the coml gene sequence. Methods: com1 gene sequences of Chinese isolates were amplified, se-quenced, and analyzed by comparing our result and the previous published data. Results: Three different com1 sequences were identified in 7 Chinese isolates. Sequence comparison indicated that the isolates harboring the QpRS plasmid could be defined as a new group and, in addition, the isolates carrying the same plas-mid type showed similar com1 gene sequence. Conclusion: Study suggests that the classification of the group based on the coml gene sequence is highly associated with the plasmid type of the isolates and, however, little related to disease forms and geographical origins of the isolates. Objective: To know some genetical characterizations of Coxiella burnetii Chinese isolates by comparing the coml gene sequence. Methods: com1 gene sequences of Chinese isolates were amplified, se-quenced, and analyzed by comparing our result and the previous published data. Results: Three different com1 sequences were identified in 7 Chinese isolates. Sequence comparison indicates that isolates harboring the QpRS plasmid could be defined as a new group and, in addition, the isolates carrying the same plas- mid type were similar to com1 gene sequence. that the classification of the group based on the coml gene sequence is highly associated with the plasmid type of the isolates and, however, little related to disease forms and geographical origins of the isolates.
一、麦田化学除草: 黑龙江省为春麦区,1974年统计麦田应用2,4—滴类除草剂除草,占全省整个农田化学除草面积的80%。一般除草效果可达90%以上,增产粮食15—20%,多者可达30%,每公
20 0 0年 9月 2 7日 10月 3日 ,我们随中国残联体育康复考察团访问挪威 ,重点参观了贝托斯托伦健康体育中心 (简称BHSC) ,全面了解了BHSC的体育康复模式 ,现简要介绍如下 :1BHSC概况在挪