A general mathematical model of Chinese CFBC boilers

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mars1998
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A general mathematical model of circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) is set up, in which it is emphasized to take the wide size distribution of bed inventory into consideration. Some aspects such as hydrodynamics, devolatilization of coal, combustion of char and the formation and reduction of harmful substances are considered in detail in order to describe the process precisely. By using the model, simulation is carried out with a Chinese CFBC boiler with a steam generating capacity of 35 t/h. Finally, simulation is carried out to predict the performance of the 50 MW Tsinghua CFBC boiler under design. Some general such as hydrodynamics, devolatilization of coal, combustion of char and the formation and reduction of harmful substances are considered in detail in order to describe the process precisely. By using the model, simulation is carried out with a Chinese CFBC boiler with a steam generating capacity of 35 t / h. Finally, simulation is carried out to predict the performance of the 50 MW Tsinghua CFBC boiler under design.
一个人在一个城里活着,能够看到几个隐藏在民间的寂寞高手,是福气,也是运气。   老鲁在这个城市,摆一个水果摊就养活了全家老少,儿子还是研究生毕业。这让我觉得,一个人一辈子活下去,并不是一件很难的事。平时,像老鲁这样的人,挤在熙熙攘攘的人流里,你根本不会发现他这人有啥不平凡的地方,更不知道他有绝技在身。其实,老鲁也没啥绝技,我說他是高手,就是通常说的口技。正月里的一天,老鲁邀我上山,他坐在一块大石头
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