Flotation of indium-beard marmatite from multi-metallic ore

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Flotation of indium-beard marmatite from Dulong multi-metallic ore in Yunnan Province of China was studied to improve the grades and recoveries of zinc and indium of the zinc concentrate in Dulong concentration plant.The experimental results indicated that copper sulfate mixed with a chemical reagent X-1 as the activator in the marmatite flotation produced a much better beneficiation than copper sulfate alone, increasing the zinc and indium recoveries of 10% and 6%,respectively,while the concentrate grades remained unchanged.Also,the new ac- tivator acted well around pH 10,allowing large savings on lime consumption in the marmatite flotation.In addition,it has been found that a sufficient activated time of activator with ore slurry in the flotation is needed to achieve good beneficiation of the marmatite ore. Flotation of indium-beard marmatite from Dulong multi-metallic ore in Yunnan Province of China was studied to improve the grades and recoveries of zinc and indium of the zinc concentrate in Dulong concentration plant. The experimental results indicated that copper sulfate mixed with a chemical reagent X-1 as the activator in the marmatite flotation produced a much better beneficiation than copper sulfate alone, increasing the zinc and indium recoveries of 10% and 6% respectively, while the concentrate grades remained unchanged. Als, the new ac- tivator acted well around pH 10, allowing large savings on lime consumption in the marmatite flotation. In addition, it has been found that a sufficient activated time of activator with ore slurry in the flotation is needed to achieve good beneficiation of the marmatite ore.
为了科学地划定种子调拨范围,为一定地区选择最优良的品种,进一步促进杉木的速生丰产,我所于1977年春参加了全国杉木种源试验,现将苗期试验观察情况初报如下: 一、
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