
来源 :白求恩医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzhenxing1
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低压性青光眼(Iow tension glaucoma),是一种特殊型青光眼,其发病率在青光眼中占0.3~4%,国内尚少报道。我院收治一例,现报告如下。 病历摘要 刘××,男,41岁,住院号:189029,双眼胀痛七个月,晚间头痛一个月而于1981年3月在一院住院。平素健康,无出血、体克、头痛等病史。家族中无类似眼病。体格检查:体温脉搏及血压均正常,营养发育中等,颞动脉无压痛,胸廓对称,心音纯,律整,两肺未闻干湿罗音,腹平坦,肝脾不大,神经系统未见异常。 Low pressure glaucoma (Iow tension glaucoma), is a special type of glaucoma, the incidence of glaucoma in the incidence of 0.3 to 4%, less reported in China. A hospital admitted to our hospital, the report is as follows. Medical record summary Liu × ×, male, 41 years old, hospital number: 189029, binocular pain for seven months, night headache a month in March 1981 in a hospital. Usually healthy, no bleeding, body grams, headaches and other medical history. No similar eye disease in the family. Physical examination: body temperature pulse and blood pressure are normal, moderate development of nutrition, no temporal tenderness tenderness, thoracic symmetry, pure heart sound, law, lungs and the two did not hear wet and dry rales, flat belly, small spleen, nervous system, no abnormalities .
物块在斜面体上运动时支撑斜面体的水平面受力情况是一类问题,特别是摩擦力的有无是学生学习的难点,对于这类问题驾驭归类讨论对于学生理解这类问题很有帮助,下面以实例分类进行讨论。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装
在解一元二次方程有关问题时,常常忽略一些细小的问题,从而导致解题错误,本文举例说明,以引起同学们注意.1.注意二次项系数不为零.例1关于x的一元二次方 When solving a pro
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