
来源 :西北工业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyan_0532
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本研究的目的是探索使用气相爆震波增加多孔介质透孔性的可能性。爆震管的内径为0.124米,外径0.168米,长度1.829米。管内填满固体球。分别研究了固体球的材料,直径,氧气与气体燃料的当量比,初始压力以及气体燃料的种类对于爆震波的传播速度和压力的影响。固体球的存在使爆震速度低于在没有小球情况下的理论的 Chapman-Jouguet 爆震速度。增加初始压力,球的直径以及当量比从贫油向化学恰当比变化引起爆震速度增加。球的材料对爆震速度略有影响。本研究建立了考虑反应区内损失的一元稳态近似分析模型和计算公式。利用此计算公式计算了爆震波不能在多孔介质中传播的临界条件,同时还预估了在熄火条件下的球的直径。 The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of using gas-phase detonation waves to increase the porosity of porous media. The detonation tube has an inner diameter of 0.124 meters, an outer diameter of 0.168 meters and a length of 1.829 meters. Tube filled with solid ball. The effects of the material, diameter, equivalence ratio of oxygen to gas fuel, initial pressure and the type of gas fuel on the propagation velocity and pressure of detonation wave were investigated respectively. The presence of a solid sphere makes the detonation speed lower than the theoretical Chapman-Jouguet detonation velocity in the absence of a small ball. Increasing the initial pressure, the diameter of the ball, and the equivalence ratio increase the detonation velocity from a lean oil to a chemically correct ratio. The material of the ball has a slight effect on the speed of the knocking. The study established a one-dimensional steady-state approximate analysis model and calculation formula considering the loss in the reaction zone. The critical condition that the detonation wave can not propagate in porous media is calculated by this calculation formula, and the diameter of the ball under the flameout condition is also estimated.
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