本文对多路遥测心律监护仪的无线电频段的选择、各路载波的确定、传输体制等进行了简短的讨论。对监护仪本身进行了较详细地讨论。对 QRS 波提取,心率计数,和心动过速、心动过缓、心律不齐、心室停顿,QRS≥0.12秒五种异常心律给出判断标准及其电路设计。为了及时地捕捉住异常心律,我们设计了捕捉异常心律的电路,它配合存贮器,可记忆存贮在此时刻之前4~6秒的心电图形并可重发显示在显示器屏幕上。
In this paper, the multi-channel telemetry rhythm monitor radio frequency band selection, the determination of each carrier, the transmission system were briefly discussed. The monitor itself is discussed in more detail. QRS wave extraction, heart rate, and tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, ventricular pause, QRS ≥ 0.12 seconds five abnormal heart rate given judging criteria and circuit design. In order to capture abnormal heart rhythm in time, we designed a circuit to catch abnormal heart rhythm. It cooperates with memory and can store the electrocardiogram stored for 4 to 6 seconds before this time and display it again on the screen of the monitor.