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我院化学工程系、应用化学系、材料工程系的计算机机房经扩建、改造后,已拥有386、486各类微机共31台,其中有ASPEN PLUS软件专用机及教师教学、科研专用机,除可满足三系教学及毕业环节上机外,还可提供学生自由上机.目前该机房微机尚未联网,还不能做到资源、信息共享,计算机的优势还没有充分发挥出来,为此单机环境下的上机管理显得十分重要.1 改善微机工作状态,提高学生上机效率由于条件所限,学生上机的机时是很宝贵的,我们理应创造条件,让学生尽量完成或超额完成上机任务.但是往往会出现一些异常情况而影响上机效果,如在还未对硬盘采取加密措施时,由于学生误操作而使操作系统丢失或者某个文件被删除,以至其他人来用机时无法进入到所需的工作状态;另外还出现病毒的交叉感染、微机被口令锁死等情况.针对这些现象,我们采取了以下的措施.首先,把硬盘分成C区——只读盘和D区——读写盘,并把常用的软件系统如DOS、UCDOS、FORTRAN、TC2.0、FOXBASE等软件装入硬盘C区.同时为 The computer lab of Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry and Department of Materials Engineering has expanded and renovated 386,486 computers of various types, of which 31 are ASPEN PLUS software, teaching and researching machines for teachers, Can meet the three-line teaching and graduation links on the machine, but also provide students free access to the machine at present the computer room is not yet connected to the Internet, but also can not do the resources, information sharing, the advantages of the computer has not yet been fully exploited, for this stand-alone environment Of the machine management is very important.1 to improve the working conditions of the computer to improve the efficiency of students on the machine due to limited conditions, students on the machine when the machine is very valuable, we should create the conditions for students to complete or over the completion of the mission But often there will be some unusual circumstances affecting the machine effect, as in the hard drive has not yet taken measures to encrypt, due to misoperation resulting in the operating system is lost or a file is deleted, so that other people can not use the machine when entering To the required working conditions; In addition there are cross-infection of the virus, the computer was password lock, etc. In response to these phenomena, we have taken the following measures. First, the hard disk is divided into region C - D regions and only disk - read-write, and the commonly used software systems such as DOS, UCDOS, FORTRAN, TC2.0, FOXBASE software in the hard disk C region simultaneously.
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