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目的探讨磁共振分子功能成像DWI技术在动物模型胰腺癌与肿块型胰腺炎的鉴别中的应用价值。方法选取实验室内家兔胰头移植瘤模型、慢性肿块型胰腺炎模型、正常家兔各8只,对其进行磁共振弥散加权分子功能成像,b值为333、667、1 000s/mm~2,观察不同b值下胰腺癌模型、慢性炎性模型及正常兔胰腺区的表观弥散系数(ADC),并分析不同b值下胰腺癌模型、慢性炎性模型及正常兔胰腺区的ADC值及表观弥散系数差值(DADC)的变化情况,并观察各组织在分子扩散、组织灌注等方面中的差异。结果整个研究周期,胰头移植瘤模型死亡率为50%;肿块型胰腺炎模型和8只正常家兔均正常存活。相同b值下胰腺癌ADC值明显低于慢性炎症及正常胰腺区,随着b值的增大,各组织ADC值明显下降,b值为333s/mm~2时,各组织内ADC数值存在差异(F=6.662,P=0.014),组间两两比较,胰腺癌与胰腺炎(t=6.773,P=0.003),胰腺癌与正常胰腺(t=5.883,P=0.016),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。b值增大,DADC越小,不同b值时胰腺癌区与慢性炎症肿块区、胰腺癌区与正常胰头区各组织DADC值变化差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论合理选择b值的分子功能成像DWI技术能够较好的鉴别胰腺癌与肿块型胰腺炎,可在动物胰头癌模型的评价中推广应用。 Objective To investigate the value of magnetic resonance molecular imaging (DWI) in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and mass pancreatitis in animal models. Methods Rabbit pancreaticoduodenectomy model, chronic pancreatitis model and normal rabbits were selected in this study. Each group was divided into 8 groups by functional diffusion-weighted MR imaging. The b value was 333,667,1 000s / mm ~ To observe the ADC value of pancreatic cancer model, chronic inflammatory model and normal rabbit pancreas at different b values, and to analyze the ADC value of pancreatic cancer model, chronic inflammatory model and normal rabbit pancreas area under different b values Value and apparent diffusion coefficient (DADC) changes, and observe the differences in molecular diffusion, tissue perfusion and other aspects of the organization. Results Throughout the study period, the mortality rate of pancreatic head xenograft model was 50%. Both the lump pancreatitis model and the eight normal rabbits survived normally. The ADC value of pancreatic cancer with the same b value was significantly lower than those with chronic inflammation and normal pancreatic area. With the increase of b value, the ADC value of each tissue decreased obviously. When the b value was 333s / mm ~ 2, (T = 6.773, P = 0.003), pancreatic cancer and normal pancreas (t = 5.883, P = 0.016), the difference was statistically significant (F = 6.662, P = 0.014) Significance (P <0.05). b values ​​increased, DADC smaller, different b value of pancreatic cancer and chronic inflammatory mass area, pancreatic cancer area and normal pancreatic head tissue DADC values ​​were significantly different (P <0.05). Conclusion The rational selection of b-value of molecular imaging of functional DWI technology can better identify pancreatic cancer and pancreatic mass pancreatitis, animal models of pancreatic cancer can be used in the evaluation of the promotion.
<正> 临床上使用龋质显示剂时,染色时间对区别牙本质的结构有无意义,保存软化牙本质的窝洞其充填密合度将出现何种性状,对牙体充填术的成功有无影响,作者对此作了研究,兹将结
【正】 漳州市人民政府:《关于龙文区2005年度第十五批次城市建设用地的请示》(漳政[2005]99号)收悉。经研究,现批复如下:一、同意为实施龙文区土地利用总体规划,核定将农用