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以“三个代表”的重要思想为指导,全面深入地加强和改进党的建设,是江泽民同志在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话的核心内容。《讲话》深刻总结我们党八十年的历史经验,科学地分析当今国际国内形势的变化,从实现党的基本路线和历史任务的高度,从根本上回答了面向新的世纪建设一个什么样的党和怎样建设党的问题,明确提出了加强党的自身建设的一系列新要求,为推进党的建设新的伟大工程进一步指明了方向。按照《讲话》精神,加强和改进党的建设,应着重把握以下几个方面。第一,加强和改进党的建设,必须着眼于坚持和改善党的领导这个根本目的。办好中国的事情,关键在党。没有共产党就没有新中国,没有共产党的领导就没有中国的现代化,这是总结近代以来中国发展的历程得出的正确结论。正如江泽民同志在《讲话》中所说:“在我们这样一个多民族的发展中大国,要把十二亿多人的力量凝聚起来,向着社会主义现代化的目标前进,必须有中国共产党的坚强领导。否则,就会成为一盘散沙,四分五裂,不仅现代化实现不了,而且必然陷入混乱的深 Guided by the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ comprehensively and in-depth promotion and improvement of party building are the core contents of Comrade Jiang Zemin’s speech at the general assembly marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. In his speech, he profoundly summed up our party’s 80 years of historical experience, scientifically analyzed the changes in the current international and domestic situations, and from the perspective of realizing the party’s basic line and historical tasks, fundamentally answered the question of what kind of The party and how to build the party clearly set forth a series of new requirements for strengthening the party’s self-construction and further pointed out the direction for promoting the great new project of party building. According to the spirit of ”speech,“ strengthening and improving party building should focus on the following aspects. First, to strengthen and improve party building, we must look at the fundamental purpose of upholding and improving the party’s leadership. It’s up to The communist party to do thing well in China. Without the communists there will be no new China. Without the leadership of the communists there will be no modernization of China. This is the correct conclusion to be drawn from the course of China’s development since the modern era. As Comrade Jiang Zemin said in his speech: ”In a developing multinational country like ours, it is necessary to unite the forces of more than 1.2 billion people and advance toward the goal of socialist modernization. We must have the strength of the Chinese Communist Party Otherwise, it will become a piece of sand, fragmented, not only the modernization can not be realized, but also inevitably plunged into chaos
"软刻蚀"技术(Soft Lithography)是近年来发展起来的一种新型微制造技术,它是借助中介图形转移元件——弹性印章——把用昂贵设备生成的微图形以简便而又精确的方法复制出来
水凝胶是一类具有高含水量的三维聚合物材料,在生物医药、农业等方面具有广泛应用。但是传统由化学交联剂合成的水凝胶由于交联结构不均匀,力学性能差,限制了其应用。本论文主要将纳米复合凝胶与双网络相结合制备具有高强度的智能水凝胶,并对水凝胶的机械性能、pH响应性、温度响应性进行探究。主要工作内容与结果如下:(1)聚丙烯酰胺/聚甲基丙烯酸N,N二甲氨基乙酯(PAM/PDMAE MA)双网络水凝胶的制备。采用
本论文可分为两部分: 一.生物传感器中生物分子固定化方法的研究.生物传感器中生物活性物质的固定是改善传感器性能最关键的步骤之一,传统的固定方法如共价键合和包埋法等对固