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目前,农业和农村档案工作在全省各地农村蓬勃地开展起来,这对于进一步规范农业和农村档案工作,提高管理水平,为我省农村经济的发展和社会的稳定,将发挥着越来越大的作用。然而,我们在全面开展农业和农村档案工作的过程中,千万不要忽视农业科技资料的收集工作,因为科技资料中蕴含着大量有价值的农业科技知识,这些知识一旦被广大农民所掌握,就可以摆脱贫困,走上致富之路。由于以往我们对这项工作重视不够,农业科技资料不能得到及时收集和保管,大部分科技资料散失在个人手中,不能为更多的农民服务,还有一些农业科技资料由于保管不善,丢失和损坏现象非常严重。那么,如何才能做好农业科技资料的收集工作,笔者认为,主要抓好以下几个方面的工作。 At present, the work of agriculture and rural archives has been vigorously carried out in rural areas throughout the province. This will play an increasingly important role in further regulating the work of agriculture and rural archives and raising the management level for the development of rural economy and social stability in our province Role. However, we must not neglect the collection of agricultural science and technology information in the process of carrying out agricultural and rural archives in an all-round way. Because scientific and technological materials contain a great deal of valuable knowledge of agricultural science and technology, and once these are in the hands of the majority of peasants, Can get rid of poverty, embarked on the road to prosperity. Since we did not pay enough attention to this task in the past, agricultural science and technology materials can not be collected and kept in time, most of the scientific and technological information is lost in the hands of individuals and can not serve more peasants. Some agricultural science and technology materials are still not properly stored, lost and damaged The phenomenon is very serious. So, how to do agricultural science and technology information collection, the author believes that the main grasp of the following aspects of the work.
“女儿,吃梨。”小时候当我晚上正努力做功课时,爸爸常会用削好的水果慰劳我,而且因为他知道我特别喜欢吃水分多的甜果,所以放在我案头的常常是几片又甜又嫩的梨。可是奇怪的是,那些梨从来不带梨核,以致我有一天带着疑惑问爸爸:“爸,你削的梨怎么不见核呢?”可我老爸却笑则不语,还装作一脸神秘的样子说:“爸爸喜欢吃梨核,那梨核当然就不见了。”   “我也要吃。”小时候的我还真不懂事,嚷着爸爸把梨核让给我吃,可谁
爷爷离我们而去已经一年了。一年来 ,爷爷那和蔼可亲的面容 ,时常浮现在我的脑海里。我怀念可敬可爱的爷爷 ,尤其是经常想起他老人家在我———他惟一的孙子身上 ,所付出的关
本文通过贯彻 ISO9001标准与执行档案工作规范关系的讨论及开展质量认证工作与加强档案管理工作力度的讨论,阐明贯彻 ISO9001标准为深化档案管理工作提供了良好的契机。认为