电脑的彩色显示器(简称彩显)经历了 CGA、E-GA、VGA、SVGV 等几个阶段。现在的彩显多为 TV-GA(属 SVGA)1024×768逐行扫描。也有1280×1024(15英寸)的。而 CGA 彩显成了多余之物,放之无处。弃之可惜。本文介绍的转换器,可以使 CGA 彩显变成彩色监示器,用于接收 VCD、DVD、录像机、摄影机等输出的视频信号,而图形清晰度远高于普通彩电。这样,就可以把个人,特别是单位闲置的大量 CGA 彩显利用起来。这种转换器的原理,是把 CGA 彩显的9脚信号输入端变成家电视频信号输入端。
Computer color display (referred to as color display) experienced CGA, E-GA, VGA, SVGV and several other stages. Now more than TV-GA (SVGA) 1024 × 768 progressive scan. There are also 1280 × 1024 (15 inches). The CGA color became superfluous, put it nowhere else. Pity to abandon. This article describes the converter, you can make CGA color into a color monitor for receiving VCD, DVD, video recorders, video cameras and other output signals, and the graphical clarity is much higher than ordinary color TV. In this way, you can make use of a large number of CGA color displays available to individuals, especially the units. The principle of this converter is to CGA color display 9-pin signal input into the home video signal input.