
来源 :实用肿瘤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yixiangren1976
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我院从1984年1月至1989年12月,共进行胃癌手术278例,贲门癌96例,术后病理检查发现断端癌组织残留(阳性)23例,发生率为6.1%。临床资料一、胃小弯癌组共278例,切端阳性10例,发生率为3.6%。其中上切端阳性4例,切端距肿瘤缘3~6 cm;下切端阳性6例,其切端距肿瘤<5cm。病理分类:高分化腺癌3例,低分化腺癌6例,粘液腺癌1例。二、贲门癌组共96例,发生切端阳性13例,发生率为13.5%。其中食道切端阳性10例,食管切端距肿瘤缘2~7 cm。胃切端阳性2例,距癌缘分别为3.5及4 cm,上下切端皆阳性1例。病理分类:高分化腺癌8例,低分化腺癌5例。三、结果一例贲门癌术后一周发生吻合口瘘死亡,其余均顺利出院。 From January 1984 to December 1989 in our hospital, there were 278 cases of gastric cancer and 96 cases of cardiac cancer. Postoperative pathological examination revealed that there were 23 cases of residual (positive) residual cancer tissues, and the incidence rate was 6.1%. Clinical data 1. There were 278 cases of gastric small carcinoid cancer group with 10 cases of positive cut end, and the incidence was 3.6%. Among them, 4 cases were positive in the cut end, and the cut end was 3 to 6 cm away from the tumor margin. In the 6 cases, the cut end was positive and the cut end was less than 5 cm from the tumor. Pathological classification: 3 cases of well differentiated adenocarcinoma, 6 cases of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, and 1 case of mucinous adenocarcinoma. 2. In the cardia cancer group, there were a total of 96 cases with 13 positive cut-offs and a 13.5% incidence rate. The esophageal incision was positive in 10 cases, and the esophageal incision was 2-7 cm from the edge of the tumor. Positive gastric end cuts were found in 2 cases, which were 3.5 and 4 cm away from the cancerous margin, and were positive in both the upper and lower incisions. Pathological classification: 8 cases of well differentiated adenocarcinoma and 5 cases of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Third, the results of a case of cardiac cancer after a week of anastomotic fistula death, the rest were discharged.
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