An Efficient Two-Phase Model for Computing Influential Nodes in Social Networks Using Social Actions

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzzzzz1234566666
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The measurement of influence in social networks has received a lot of attention in the data mining community.Influence maximization refers to the process of finding influential users who make the most of information or product adoption.In real settings,the influence of a user in a social network can be modeled by the set of actions (e.g.,like,share,retweet,comment) performed by other users of the network on his/her publications.To the best of our knowledge,all proposed models in the literature treat these actions equally.However,it is obvious that a like of a publication means less influence than a share of the same publication.This suggests that each action has its own level of influence (or importance).In this paper,we propose a model (called Social Action-Based Influence Maximization Model,SAIM) for influence maximization in social networks.In SAIM,actions are not considered equally in measuring the influence power of an individual,and it is composed of two major steps.In the first step,we compute the influence power of each individual in the social network.This influence power is computed from user actions using PageRank.At the end of this step,we get a weighted social network in which each node is labeled by its influence power.In the second step of SAIM,we compute an optimal set of influential nodes using a new concept named influence-BFS tree.Experiments conducted on large-scale real-world and synthetic social networks reveal the good performance of our model SAIM in computing,in acceptable time scales,a minimal set of influential nodes allowing the maximum spreading of information.
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患者女,61岁,15 d前无明显诱因出现心悸,心累,心前区胀痛不适,食欲不振,近3 d来加重,不能平卧入院.查体:急性病容,神清,颈静脉怒张,心界扩大,心率80次/min,心律不齐,心音低钝