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他,一所普普通通的农村初中的一名普普通通的青年教师。1991年底,他的事迹、成果和名字被载入《中国数学教育人名辞典》。这期间,年仅31岁的他,经过多少孤独、徬徨、痛苦和失败,又付出多少辛勤的汗水,才找到自己的坐标,才解开人生的方程,才在数学王国里寻找到自己的轨迹。 他的祖籍在龙南,但生长在大余。1980年他捧着赣州师范毕业证书,带着十九岁诗一般美好的年华,胸怀十九岁滚烫的追求,只身回到了故乡龙南。 他被分配在偏僻的玉岩乡大坑初中。这里四面环山,晚上常能听到野兽的吼叫。生活和教学条件都很差。最难忍受的是学生对他教学不欢迎,埋怨他不会讲龙南话,又讲得太快。 山风可以吹熄蜡烛,却吹旺了篝火。他碰了一个又一个钉子之后,苦苦思索着:教书?转行?还是……最后,他毅然在自己的日记扉页上自信地写下了这样几个大字:大山深处我一定能够找到自己的坐标。他没有气馁,没有屈服。他虚心向老教师请教,学习他人教改 He is an ordinary young teacher in an ordinary rural middle school. At the end of 1991, his deeds, achievements and names were included in the Dictionary of Chinese Mathematics Educators. During this period, only 31 years old, after how much loneliness, distress, pain and failure, and how much hard work to find their coordinates before they unlock the equation of life, only in the mathematical kingdom to find their own Trajectory. His ancestral home is in Longnan, but grew up in Dayu. In 1980 he was holding Ganzhou Normal University graduation certificate, with 19-year-old poem in good general years, 19-year-old pursuit of hot, back home alone Longnan. He was assigned to the remote Yu Tai Yan Tai Yan junior high school. Here and surrounded by mountains, night can often hear the beast roar. Living and teaching conditions are poor. The most unbearable is that students do not welcome his teaching, complain that he can not speak Longan dialect, and speak too fast. Mountain breeze can blow out the candle, but breeze bonfire. After he touched one after another nails, thinking hard: teaching? Change? Or is ... ... Finally, he decided to confidentiality in his diary title page wrote such a few characters: the depths of the mountains I will be able to find their own coordinate. He did not give up, did not give in. He humbly ask the old teacher, learning to teach others reform
阿红在一篇谈自己的文章中说:“我写诗,但一听到‘诗人’就心惊;我也写点评论,但一听到‘评论家’,就赶忙摇头;我,我只是个编辑。” 一位编刊物的朋友在给他的信里说: “作
几种药剂的室内毒力测定及大田结果表明,70%甲基硫菌灵WP表现最好,其EC50为0.2981mg/L,1 000倍液处理的防效为80.12%;其次为10%苯醚甲环唑WG、50%咪鲜胺锰盐WP和12.5%腈菌唑EC,其E
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