
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YANYUGUOHOU
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湖州市妇幼保健院建于1959年,承担全市妇幼保健业务指导和妇女儿童疑难病症的诊治工作,是杭州医学高等专科学校的教学医院和浙江医科大学的实习基地,是一所二级甲等妇幼保健院。医院占地面积10052平方米,业务用房面积13338平方米,核定床位200张,年门诊量约13万人次,年住院病人约6000余人次。全院职工324人,卫生技术人员253人,其中高级7人,中级73人。医院拥有彩色多普勒、全自动生化分析仪、全自动血球计数仪、纽邦呼吸机、宫腔镜、腹腔镜、快速冷冻切片机、多功能麻醉机、十二导心电自动分析仪、胎儿监护仪等一大批先进的医疗设备,住院部装备中央空调,并开设部分家庭化母婴同室.全院实行电脑化管理。 Huzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital was established in 1959. It is responsible for the guidance of maternity and child care business in the city and the diagnosis and treatment of women and children’s intractable diseases. It is an internship base for teaching hospitals of Zhejiang Medical College and Zhejiang Medical University. It is a secondary class A and other women and children. Health Institute. The hospital covers an area of ​​10052 square meters, business area of ​​13338 square meters, 200 approved beds, annual outpatient amount of about 130,000 people, and about 6,000 hospitalized patients. The hospital has 324 employees and 253 health technicians, including 7 senior and 73 intermediate. The hospital has a color Doppler, automatic biochemical analyzer, automatic blood cell counter, Newport ventilator, hysteroscope, laparoscope, rapid freezing microtome, multi-functional anesthesia machine, 12-lead ECG automatic analyzer, A large number of advanced medical equipment such as fetal monitors, inpatient department equipped with central air conditioning, and opened part of the family maternal and infant room. The hospital implemented computerized management.
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