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党的十八大指出:“坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,关键在于建设一支政治坚定、能力过硬、作风优良、奋发有为的执政骨干队伍。”建设高素质的执政骨干队伍,是加强党的执政能力建设的关键,是党的事业兴旺发达、国家长治久安的重要保障。作为执政骨干队伍必不可少的组成部分,青年科技干部执政素养的提高是高素质执政骨干队伍建设的重中之重。进入新世纪新阶段,以科技为先导的综合国力的竞争日益激烈,党和国家既拥有“黄金发展期”的难得良机,又面临“矛盾凸显期”的艰难攻坚特别是党的十八大提出了全面建成小康社会的目标任务,这些都对青年科技干部的执政素养提出了新要求和新挑战。一、提高青年科技干部执政素养是永葆党的执政活力的重要保证1.优秀青年科技干部是加强党的干部队伍建设的源头活 The 18th CPC National Congress pointed out: “The key to upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics lies in building a cadre of people in power that is politically determined, competent, good and energetic.” “Building a contingent of leading cadres with high quality is The key to strengthening the building of the party’s ability to govern is an important guarantee for the prosperity of the party’s cause and the long-term peace and stability of the country. As an indispensable part of the ruling cadre team, the improvement of the ruling cadres’ accomplishments in science and technology is the most important task in building a contingent of leading cadres of high quality. Entering the new phase of the new century, the competition for comprehensive national strength led by science and technology has become increasingly fierce. Both the party and the state enjoy the golden opportunity of ”golden period of development“ and the tough stalemate of ”highlighting the period of conflicts", especially the party’s The 18th CPC National Congress put forward the goal and task of building a well-off society in an all-round way. All of these put forward new requirements and new challenges to the ruling attainments of young science and technology cadres. I. Improving the Governing Forces of Science and Technology Cadres in the Youth is an Important Guarantee for Remaining the Party’s Vigorously Active 1. Outstanding young science and technology cadres are the source of strengthening the building of the party’s cadre ranks
‘”豁()() 膺(6)参槽,恤()()(7)瓜了飞‘仍~_娜、。’蒸‘9’护 ()()()翠罕溥缪攀孵举群哗臀擎渺缨赞臀卿一同学件请看图完成对价 (J)A:p6幸嗯雌二瓢_abaoan红,沁珊。 B:y2)
父亲刚买回那顶麦秆编的草帽时,记得我还很小,就好奇地从他手里夺过戴在头上,还特地跑到太阳底下作一番体验,当时觉得真的凉爽,还能嗅到一缕淡淡的麦秆清香。 When my fath
亲爱的樱桃: 我最近搬家了。今年秋天我要上一所新的学校,我下决心要改变自己单调的样子。我爱幻想,是个浪漫的人,还喜欢画画和写诗。你能否提些 Dear Cherry: I recently m