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在济南英雄山下,有一个部队门诊部——济南军区政治部门诊部。这个门诊部门头十分不起眼,可由于治疗而瘫、而肌痉挛的技术叫绝,这个门诊部和它的主任唐传志的名字在军内外十分响亮。面瘫,俗称吊斜风,学名面神经麻痹。主要是由于受寒、感染和精神刺激,导致急性而神经炎,造成面部表情肌瘫痪。症状是:嘴歪眼斜,表情丧失,嘴闭不上,眼合不拢。患这种病的人痛苦不堪。济南军区政治部门诊部的军医们从1956年开始,就着手寻找治疗而瘫的有效办法。1976年,现门诊部的主任唐传志从上海第三军医大学毕业来到这个部队诊所,和几个同事组成攻关小组,在吸收前人成果的基础上,研制出了在国内外属一流水平的“挑刺加中药外敷”的独特疗法。这种治疗方法是在患者的口腔内壁用三楞针挑刺数点,然后用中药在面部穴位外敷,短时间即可见效。几年来,该门诊部运用这一疗法收治全国各地的患者3万余人,总有效率为93.4%,总治愈率达到84.6%。为何“挑刺加中药外敷”方法治疗 Under the heroic mountain of Jinan, there is a military outpatient department - the political department of Jinan Military Region. The outpatient department head is very small, can be paralyzed due to treatment, and muscle spasms technology called out, the clinic and its director Tang Chuanzhi’s name is very loud inside and outside the military. Facial paralysis, commonly known as hanging oblique wind, scientific name paralysis facial nerve. Mainly due to cold, infection and mental stimulation, leading to acute and neuritis, resulting in facial expression muscle paralysis. Symptoms are: crooked mouth tilt, loss of expression, mouth closed, eyes closed together. People suffering from this disease suffer. Since 1956, the military doctors of the medical department of the Jinan Military Region have started to find effective treatments for paralysis. In 1976, Tang Chuanzhi, now director of outpatient department, graduated from the Third Military Medical University of Shanghai to work in this army clinic and formed a research team with several colleagues. On the basis of absorbing the achievements of predecessors, Tang Chuanzhi developed the first- “Spit plus traditional Chinese medicine topical” unique therapy. This treatment is in the patient’s oral wall with three fluted needle pricked a few points, and then topical acupuncture with Chinese medicine, a short time to bear fruit. Over the past few years, the clinic used this therapy to treat more than 30,000 patients across the country with a total effective rate of 93.4% and a total cure rate of 84.6%. Why “stabbing plus traditional Chinese medicine topical” method of treatment
目的研究超抗原金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素B(staphylococcal enterotoxin B,SEB)诱导的耐受效应和耐受调节机制。方法收集SEB活化10天的细胞,充分洗涤后做为效应细胞,分别与刀豆蛋
作者收治15例新生儿重度硬肿症,在复温、吸氧、纠酸、抗感染等的基础上,早期量使用山莨菪碱进行抢救治疗,取得了较为满意的临床效 The authors admitted to 15 cases of se
1998年5月,金蝶软件科技有限公司引入 IDG(国际数据集团)风险投资的先期注资2000万人民币,成为国内第一家引进国际风险投资的财务软件厂商,在业界引起强烈反响。而目,就在3