被广泛谈论的亚信更换CEO,也许只是一个“伪命题”.“,”Over the decade since it was founded, there have been three CEOs running Asiainfo one after another. Outsiders now are talking about whether the new direction Zhang Xingsheng,the new CEO, announced for the company at the time of its tenth anniversary would be possible vision or not. People think no other things more plain than that such a company changes CEO once again, because it is so “standardized” -- soon after it was founded, it grew up rapidly as Internet was booming in China; it absorbed VC in time; it went public in overseas market in time, and all those have shortened the time it would have to take to become a corporate with mature management and made it become a company rendered “standardized” by capital market. However, it is inevitable for a firm to experience some trials as it is growing up. As to Asiainfo,after its management has been standardized, it would be essential whether it could form the competence geared to its business or not.