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The GISP2, central Greealand, glaciochemical series (sodium, potassium, ammonium,calcium, magnesium, sulfate, nitrate and chloride) provides a unique view of the chemistry of the atmosphere and the history of atmospheric circulation over much of the Northern Hemisphere. Interpretation of this record reveals the controls on both high and low frequency climate events of the last 110 000 years.Changes in insolation on the order of the major orbital cycles control the long-term behavior of atmospheric circulation patterns through changes in ice volume (sea level) and related positive feedbacks.Events such as the Heinrich events (massive discharges of icebergs first identified in the marine record)are found to operate on a 6 100 year cycle due largely to the lagged response of ice sheets to changes in insolation and consequent glacier dynamics Rapid climate change events (massive reorganizations of atmospheric circulation) are demonstrated to operate on 1 450 year cycle possibly in response to internal oscillations in the ocean-atmosphere system or due to changes in solar output. Changes in insolation and associated positive feedbacks related to ice sheets assist in explaining favorable time periods and controls on the amplitude of these massive rapid climate change events.Comparison of the GISP2 glaciochemical series with an ice record from Taylor Dome in Antarctica indicates considerable similarity suggesting that both polar regions experience marked changes in climate. While preliminary evidence points to similar phasing of several major climate events in the two polar regions exact phasing cannot as yet be determined, because dating of Antarctic ice core records is not as well-established as the dating for Greenland ice cores. The GISP2, central Greealand, glaciochemical series (sodium, potassium, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, sulfate, nitrate and chloride) provides a unique view of the chemistry of the atmosphere and the history of atmospheric circulation over much of the Northern Hemisphere. Interpretation of this record reveals the controls on both high and low frequency climate events of the last 110 000 years. Changes in the order of the major orbital cycles control the long-term behavior of normal circulation patterns through changes in ice volume (sea level) and related positive feedbacks.Events such as the Heinrich events (massive discharges of icebergs first identified in the marine record) are found to operate on a 6 100 year cycle due largely to the lagged response of ice sheets to changes in inlation and consequent glacier dynamics Rapid climate change events (massive reorganizations of atmospheric circulation) are demonstrated to operate on 1 450 year cycle possibly in respo nse to internal oscillations in the ocean-atmosphere system or due to changes in solar output. Changes in inlation and associated positive feedbacks related to ice sheets assist in explaining favorable time periods and controls on the amplitude of these massive rapid climate change events. the GISP2 glaciochemical series with an ice record from Taylor Dome in Antarctica indicate similar to suggesting that both polar evidence regions to similar phasing of several major climate events in the two polar regions exact phasing can not as yet be determined, because dating of Antarctic ice core records is not as well-established as the dating for Greenland ice cores.
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摘 要: 教学方法在教学中起到关键性作用,老师的教学方法尤其重要,会对学生的学习思维产生一定的导向作用。在高中化学教学中,归纳法就是一种非常有效的学习探究方法。在教学过程中,学生是主体,而老师是客体,只有主客体相互联系,才能构建和谐的课堂环境。本文分析了归纳法在高中化学新课教学,课后小结或课堂复习,单元复习或总复习中的应用。  关键词: 高中化学教学 归纳法 应用方式  一、归纳法在新课教学中的应