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关于麻痹性斜视的治疗问题,目前在眼科学中仍是一个疑难问题。据赫雨时的见解(1),认为有下列三项指标,可行手术矫正。 1.病因已弄清楚。 2.确知病因已被除去或不再进行 3.保守治疗后已有3—6个月毫无恢复的迹象。如果眼球向受累肌行使作用方向转动不能超过中线时需行眼肌移植术(2)。我们在75年8月份曾为一例外伤性左眼外直肌完全麻痹患者行眼肌移植术,取得了比较 The treatment of paralytic strabismus is still a difficult problem in ophthalmology. According to He Yu’s opinion (1), that the following three indicators, feasible surgical correction. The cause has been clarified. 2. Determine the cause has been removed or no longer 3. Conservative treatment has been 3-6 months no signs of recovery. Ophthalmic muscle transplantation is required if the eyeball does not rotate beyond the midline in the direction of the affected muscle (2). In August 75, we had an oculomotor transplant for a complete paralysis of the traumatic left-lateral rectus abdominis. We obtained a comparison
体育教学方法是在体育教学过程中,教师与学生为实现体育教学目标和完成体育教学任务而有计划地采用、可以产生教与学相互作用、具有技术性的教学活动。 The method of physi
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