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长安品质电子制造厂位于长安镇乌沙社区新安工业园,厂房宿舍面积6.5万平方米,总投资超过6亿港元,员工2400多人。2004年该厂被省文明委确定为现代公民教育活动示范点以来,坚持以科学发展观为依据,以构建文明法治、稳定和谐、谅解宽容的温馨企业为目标,以突出群众性、注重针对性、强调实效性为基本要求,坚持以人为本,深入开展了“共建温馨之家”、“共享文化阳光”、“现代公民教育歌颂比赛”等活动。不断提升了员工的思想道德觉悟,努力培养和造就了热爱祖国、遵纪守法、诚实守信、知书达礼的新一代现代产业工人。具体表现在以下三个方面: 一、营建温馨之家,激励员工爱厂爱国 品质厂坚持以员工为本,积极推行人性化管理,将“尊重员工,才能得到员工的尊重”的理念融于公司生产和员工生活中,实行公司的发展同员工福利的改善相挂钩,使员工不断从企业发展中得到实惠。工厂投入600多万人民币,建成可容纳300人的电视室、有100台DVD播放机的影视室、75台液晶电脑的网吧、藏书近1万册的图书阅览室、咖啡厅、歌舞厅、员工超市、配备专业理发师的高档理发室、篮球场、环厂跑道、厂区中心公园等配套齐备的生活娱乐设施,并全部免费向员工开放。企业成为名副其实的员工温馨之家。2005年品质电子厂被长安镇评为“十佳员工满意企业”,并被国务院新闻办确定为向海外进行宣传的大型纪录片《中国》的摄制点.极大地激发了企业员工爱厂爱国的思想感情。 二、注重德育,引导员工友爱向善、以礼待人 品质电子厂注重思想道德教育,以各种形式去教育和培养员工。在宣传栏张贴各种宣传画,在厂区内布置“公民道德名言”宣传挂画,积极向员工宣传尊纪守法、生产安全、环境保护等知识,增强员工“爱国、守法、诚信、知礼”思想意识,教育员工爱陪利用资源,以有限的资源创造更多的财富报效祖国。积极培养员工勤俭节约的美德,工厂成立了“饭堂委员会”,提倡员工珍惜粮食。引导员工友爱向善、以礼待人。 Changan quality electronics factory is located in Chang’an Town Usha community Xin Industrial Park, plant dormitory area of ​​65,000 square meters, a total investment of more than 600 million Hong Kong dollars, more than 2,400 employees. Since 2004, when the plant was confirmed as a demonstration site of modern civic education by the Provincial Commission of Culture and Civilization, the factory adhered to the scientific concept of development and aimed at building a warm and harmonious enterprise with the rule of law, stability and harmony, understanding and tolerance, with a view to emphasizing the masses and focusing on pertinence , Emphasizing the actual results as the basic requirements and adhering to the people-oriented principle. We have also carried out such activities as “building a cozy home”, “sharing the sunshine of the culture” and “praising modern civic education”. Constantly improve their staff’s ideological and moral awareness, and strive to cultivate and bring up a new generation of modern industrial workers who are loving the motherland, abiding by the law, being honest and trustworthy, and educated and educated. Specific performance in the following three aspects: First, to build a warm home, motivate staff Love factory Patriotic Quality Factory adhere to the staff-oriented, and actively promote the humane management, “respect employees, employees get the respect” concept into the company Production and employee life, the implementation of the company’s development with the improvement of employee benefits linked to the staff continue to benefit from the development of enterprises. The factory invested more than 6 million RMB to build a television room capable of accommodating 300 people, a TV room with 100 DVD players, a cyber cafe with 75 LCD computers, a book reading room with nearly 10,000 books, a cafe, a dance hall and a staff Supermarkets, high-end hairdressers with professional hairdressers, basketball court, ring factory runway, factory center park complete supporting life entertainment facilities, and all free to employees. Enterprises become a veritable staff warm home. In 2005, Quality Electronics Factory was rated as “Top Ten Employee Satisfied Enterprises” by Chang’an Town and was confirmed as the filming point of “China”, a large documentary promoted to overseas by State Council Information Office, greatly stimulating the ideas of enterprise staff loving factories and patriotism feeling. Second, pay attention to moral education, and guide staff to benevolence and kindness, courtesy of people Quality electronics factory pay attention to ideological and moral education, to various forms to educate and train staff. Publicity posters posted a variety of posters, layout in the factory “Citizenship of a citizenship” publicity paintings, and actively promote to employees the respect and discipline, production safety, environmental protection and other knowledge, and enhance staff “patriotic, law-abiding, honest, courtesy,” thought Consciousness, education, staff love to accompany the use of resources, with limited resources to create more wealth to serve the motherland. Actively cultivate the virtues of thrifty employees, the factory set up a “canteen Committee” to promote staff cherish food. Guide staff to benevolent, courteous.
摘要:化学演示实验是中学化学教学的一个重要环节.做好演示实验,提高实验的艺术性,对于激发学习兴趣,启迪思维,培养严谨科学的学习态度是大有裨益的.精心安排实验内容,巧妙布局实验形式,使其具有高度的艺术性,是化学教学艺术的必然要求.  关键词:演示实验;化学教学;艺术;功能  实验是化学科学赖以产生和发展的沃土,也是化学教学中实施素质教育的得天独厚的优越条件.化学实验教学是实施全面化学教育的一种最有效