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马厂油田位于东濮凹陷中央隆起带南部,区域构造面积为131.94km2,资源量为1850×104t。截止到2005年,累计探明含油面积为22.74km2,探明石油地质储量为1473.5×104t,动用石油地质储量为871×104t,标定采收率为33.75%,可采储量为294×104t,其中外围区块探明未动用储量为602.5×104t,占马厂油田探明储量的40.89%。该区储层平均孔隙度为18.6%,渗透率为31.6mD,主要含油层系为沙三上中下亚段,埋深范围在2600~3400m,属中低渗极复杂断块油藏。经过近20年的开发,原有地震资料已不能满足极复杂断块油藏精细滚动勘探开发的需要,马厂油田周边断块储量动用程度低,老区又进入了开发后期,油田开发效果逐渐变差。为提高地震资料品质,指导油田滚动开发研究,2005年对马厂地区进行了高密度三维地震数据采集,通过近几年的研究和应用,滚动勘探开发效果明显改善。 Machang Oilfield is located in the south of the central uplift of Dongpu Depression, with a tectonic area of ​​131.94km2 and a resource of 1850 × 104t. As of 2005, the total proven oil area of ​​22.74km2, proven oil geological reserves of 1473.5 × 104t, the use of petroleum geological reserves of 871 × 104t, the measured recovery was 33.75%, recoverable reserves of 294 × 104t, of which The proven reserves of the peripheral blocks are 602.5 × 104t, accounting for 40.89% of the proven reserves of Ma Chang Oilfield. The average porosity of this reservoir is 18.6% with a permeability of 31.6mD. The main oil-bearing reservoir is the middle and lower sub-section of the upper third of Shahejie Formation, with a buried depth range of 2600 ~ 3400m. After nearly 20 years of development, the original seismic data can not meet the needs of fine rolling exploration and development of extremely complex fault-block reservoirs. The utilization of fault-block reserves around Machang Oilfield is low, and the old area has entered the later stage of development. The effect of oilfield development gradually changes difference. In order to improve the quality of seismic data and guide the rolling development of oilfields, high-density 3D seismic data acquisition was carried out in Machang area in 2005. By the research and application in recent years, the effect of rolling exploration and development has been obviously improved.
枇杷又称芦橘,系蔷薇科苹果亚科枇杷属,为我国南方主要果树之一,原产我国。1 形态特征常绿小乔木,树干灰褐色,嫩枝密生锈色或棕灰色毛,叶呈披针形或长椭圆形,前端尖,状似“
Rate constants for the reactions of ozone with 1-octen-3-ol,1-nonen-3-ol and 1-nonen-4-ol have been determined at 298 ± 1 K and atmospheric pressure for the fi