The Soul and Body in Harmony

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  【Abstract】Connie Chatterley,the heroine in D.H.Lawrence’s last master piece Lady Chatterley’s Lover,realizes her mental and physical rebirth through her choice between two men,who represent the industrial society’s sexual repression and the expression of human natural sex instinct respectively.Since understanding the spiritual transition course of the heroine is the key to appreciating this novel’s essence,this paper analyses Connie’s mental world in every step of her dramatic marriage life.
  【Key words】Connie; spiritual changing process; soul; body; harmony
  In the history of modern literature,D.H.Lawrence is one of the most important writers in English Post-Modernism period.A great number of his novels are based on bold sex description in order to express his sex-oriental social value.Lady Chatterley’s Lover,his last masterpiece,plays quite an essential role in his writing career by illustrating his sex value bravely through the heroine Connie’s unique point of view.The spiritual changing process of Connie shows the aim of Lawrence’s emphasis on the sexual act and thought.These wonderful descriptions not only stand for a woman’s mental state,but also reveal the author’s fundamental personal values.Her psychological changing course lies in her refusal of her husband Clifford and in her acceptance of Mellors.It should be clear to say that it is not absolutely correct that she has come to hate some person and love another; instead,she has learnt that a man can die without ceasing to exist,and that an adult can be born to life as surely as a child can.Just like what is stated above,the significance of this paper is the revelation of Connie’s psychological transition roadmap,which also is an enlightening process of the gradual wakening woman’s natural instinct.
  At the very beginning of her family life,Connie leads a dull and so-called normal life because she thinks that she will not mind her husband is handicapped.On one hand,in her daily routine,Connie acts as all the other upper class married ladies—going to churches,arranging luxurious diners and parties for her husband’s guests,spending countless spare time in her castle alone.She rarely has any partners to speak with and to share her various of feelings and moods with.And for dozens of years’ education received from her tender year,Connie at first even consider this kind of life is the dreamful perfect marriage life,so she accepts it without second thoughts,even feels a little bit proud of her marriage at the very beginning.But as a physical normal young lady,she has the same sexual desire like her counterparts.On the other hand,Connie is not as lucky as many of her female friends; her handicapped husband cannot make love with her like all the other normal men.Her husband Clifford,the symbol of industrial repression,treats her just like one piece of his furniture—without any passion and personal feeling.Life with Clifford has reduced Connie to a state of nervous weariness.However,as she is a noble maiden,her little knowledge and experience make her feels that she can live happily without physical love.In addition,her environmental and social net limits her mind from awareness and openness.Although she doesn’t have any material worries,the spiritual loneliness and feeling of not being demanded haunt in her mind and bother her.Her life is just as bland as a bowl of oatmeal.   As the story develops,Connie’s maternal instinct,which is as natural as and closely connected with sex instinct,is evoked by accident.First of all,because of his own physical state,Clifford is not able to give his newly married wife Connie normal sexual life.And spontaneously,Connie will not have any chance to be a mother.But as a normal female,she is born to be a mother sooner or later—to perform her nature procreation role.The contradiction of her instinct and disappointing reality lays the bomb of her balance psychological world.Secondly,Connie’s maternal instinct is awakened by the gamekeeper’s little girl.The girl’s name,Connie Mellors,not only intimates Connie’s dissatisfaction of her husband,but also indicates Connie’s sex relationship with the girl’s father later.When she comforts the sobbing girl,she holds the soft little arms,the delicate cheeky little legs of Mrs.Flint’s baby,and discovers the charming old family’s mystical happiness—the greatest present given by God—an entire healthy family.However,this kind of happy family can only be an unfulfilled dream for her.No matter how luxurious her life is,without a normal and healthy marriage life,the pleasant and satisfaction caused by the jewels,noble castles,upper class parties,and beautiful expensive dresses just seem like a breath of wind—she can never hold them forever.Finally,the maternal theme is superbly evoked in the scene when Connie feeds the peasant’s chickens.She visits the forest from time to time only because she is so interested in and wants to witness how eggs can change into chickens.The animal’s unanimous maternal instinct which connects the childless lady and these lovely chickens makes the whole picture harmonious.Connie is moved by the touch of new life in the tiny bird that stands so boldly on her outstretched hands.In front of this joyful chicken family,Connie cannot help weeping because her life is emotionally barren,because she is a woman without a warm physical connection with anybody or anything.At that time,even the hen is happier than this noble lady,for it has normal sex life and has many lovely babies,but she has nothing.
  Lawrence arranges the heroine such a spiritual changing road because of his own value on sex.It is widely known that he has a firm belief in the supreme power of physical love.He even announces early in his life that blood and flesh are wiser than intellect.It is his writing style that he employs many detailed descriptions to show characters’ mental world,subtle relationship between human beings especially between man and woman.Just like what he describes in his masterpiece Sons and Lovers,Women in Love,Rainbow and Lady Chatterley’s Lover,his characters are unanimously motivated by their own sex desire.   In writing full-length novels,Lawrence has always been focusing on the theme of opposing to the rational and industrialized civilization and hoping for the return of nature and of human beings’ natural desire for sensual love.Lady Chatterley’s Lover is no exception.In this novel,by describing the heroine Connie’s spiritual changing process,the writer shows his hatred for the industrialized civilization and preference for a natural human life.He thinks highly of the expression of human instinct while contempt the industrial civilization’s sexual repression.Born in a minor’s family,Lawrence has experienced the poor life of working class.This memory has fixed his hatred towards the upper class’s tyrannical attitude to the helpless working people in his heart since childhood.And with his knowledge accumulated at school and his mind influenced by his middle-class mother at home,this pure hatred develops to the discrimination towards industrial suppression and fondness to nature normal life.When he grows up,Lawrence even spends most of his lifetime in the foreign countries for his tiredness and hatred towards his motherland’s industrial civilization.Therefore,in this novel,the heroine Connie performs this role thoroughly.Her sex experience begins with an unachievable dream and ends by an exhilarated happy sexual life.By expressing her human instinct,Connie turns into a harmonious entire woman.
  [1]Jeffrey Meyers,D.H.Lawrence and the Experience of Italy (Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press,1982),189.
  [2]Scott R.Sanders,Lady Chatterley’s loving and the Annihilation Impulse,in D.H.Lawrence’s “lady”: A New Look at Lady Chatterley’s Lover,ed.Michael Squires and Dennis Jackson (Georgia: The University of Georgia Press,1985),32.
  [3]W.W.Robson,Modern English Literature(Oxford: Oxford University Press,1970),270.
  [4]Ian Gregor,The Novel as Prophecy: Lady Chatterley’s Lover(New York: Faber
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