Turning to Confucius for Exam Luck

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Yahoo上的Oddly Enough专栏,很少见到我国的新闻,除了年初的北京大学生在动物园向熊泼洒硫酸的消息之外,我尚未读到其他消息。本则消息说明外国记者之“敬业”,之“无孔不入”。但是,读来倒也让我们看到今年高考之前的一点“花絮”。北京的考生去孔庙企求孔老夫子的“保佑”。其实,若是孔夫子有灵,他也许会笑着对考生说,学而时习之,不亦乐乎?本文文采不俗。比如, 提供高考的另一种说法:university placement exams,细想之下,觉得很有道理;比如China’s growing army of unemployed,其中的army一词,非以英语为母语者,很难想到使用此词;又比如soaking in the atmosphere should be enough to bringme luck,大概是“呼吸一下这里的空气,也许会带来好运气”之“翻版”,但是其中的soaking in用得何等精彩!我常痴想,学一篇短文能学到这些表达,可算“赢”了!你以为如何? The Oddly Enough column on Yahoo rarely sees news from our country. I haven’t read any other news besides the news of the Beijing college students splashing sulfur at the zoo on the beginning of the year. This news shows that foreign journalists are “dedicated” and “pervasive.” However, reading down also allows us to see a little “trivia” before the college entrance examination this year. The candidates in Beijing went to the Confucius Temple to seek the “blessing” of Confucius. In fact, if Confucius had a spirit, he might smile and say to the candidate that he would learn from time to time and be happy. This article is literary and descriptive. For example, another way to provide the college entrance examination: university placement exams, think carefully, think that makes sense; such as China’s growing army of unemployed, which the word army, non-native English speakers, it is difficult to think of using this word Another example is soaking in the atmosphere should be enough to bring in luck, probably “breath the air here, may bring good luck” of the “replica”, but the soaking in how wonderful! I often think that learning an essay and learning these expressions can be considered “winning!” How do you think?
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