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  Every July when I was a child, my parents would pack their bags and go on vacation. My sister and I were left home with our grandparents. We played dodge ball and drank bug juice in the grungy day-camp nearby, and spent the rest of our time drawing with chalk on the driveway and vegetating in front of the TV. It was adults, not children, who had the exciting lives then--and no one questioned our parents' right to fly off for a month to France or Italy,, Bermuda, Mexico, or Guadeloupe.We enjoyed staying with our grandparents, who allowed us to eat cookies for breakfast and stay up to watch The Tonight Show, but what we liked most was the expectation of our parents' return. It wasn't that we missed them--such a thing never occurred to us--but we looked forward to the souvenirs they Would bring back from their travels.
China is one of the world's biggest greenhousegas emitters. It was also a tough negotiator duringlast year's Copenhagen summit.
You can tell a lot about a person by the relationship she has with time-what she values, how she works, and often where she came from. I have often wondered if my own anxiety about the wide
若把美国各大文理学院编入《三国演义》,斯沃斯摩尔学院(Swarthmore College)、阿莫斯特学院(Amherst College)和威廉斯学院(Williams College)可谓当中的魏蜀吴,三足鼎立,实力雄厚。这三者之中,斯沃斯摩尔学院一直秉承对卓越的追求,虽然其资金雄厚程度可与宾夕法尼亚大学相媲美,却始终坚持只搞本科生教育,而不肯增加研究生的培养。其严谨和高质量的教学让很多父母宁
Las Vegas is well-known for being the city that never sleeps as gamblers are encouraged to spend their money around the clock.
Britain's most embarrassing and bizarre names have been disclosed in a new survey.
介绍David Bowie的文章总爱称他“musical chameleon”(“音乐变色龙”),然而这个名头却是贬多于褒,实际上更像是“音乐投机者”的委婉说法。的确,Bowie的音乐风格一直在变,自从20世纪60年代出道以来,几乎任何一种重要音乐风潮中都能看到他的身影。20世纪70年代前期的Glam Rock(华丽摇滚)浪潮让混迹乐坛多年却一直名不见经传的David Bowie一夜成名。在那场短
我们生活在和平年代,但是战争离我们并不遥远。  不信?你回头看看21世纪的第一个10年。2001年9月11日,恐怖分子劫机袭击美国,3,000人丧命。不久,美国报复,在阿富汗和伊拉克发动反恐战争。这些年来,光死在阿富汗和伊拉克的美国军人就已经超过了5,0000,死于非命的伊拉克平民更是突破了10万。这仗—直打到现在,美国人不但没有结束战斗,还要增兵。
In the early days of the inbox, it afforded the naive human organism a certain pleasure to receive an email. Ah, someone thinking of me... So a note or two of greetings whistled through the lonely day