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毛叶枣是近年云南省利用野生资源培育改良成功的一个新型热带水果。70年代末瑞丽县率先引种,1984年底以观赏植物引入元谋庭院种植。1986年元谋县科委与省热经所合作开展毛叶枣引种栽培试验,当年引种1400株,生长良好,并有部分收益。从1987至1990年,这个县的毛叶枣已发展到2500亩,投产面积600亩,年产鲜果18万公斤,收入约36万元;目前已成为我省可供年嫁接几十万株种苗的繁殖基地。近两年,毛叶枣又被列为“长防”工程造林及土林绿化的理想树种。一、毛叶枣的生境条件毛叶枣为常绿小乔木,萌芽力强。高4至6米,茎节有短剌,叶互生,具短柄,长卵圆或椭圆形,革质,边缘有锯齿,叶背灰白色。每年4至5月、9至10月各开一次花,着生于叶腋,花呈黄绿色。每 Mao Yezao is a new type of tropical fruit that has been successfully improved by wild resources in Yunnan Province in recent years. Ruili County in the late 70s the first introduction, by the end of 1984 to introduce ornamental plants Yuanmou courtyard. In 1986, Yuanmou County Science and Technology Commission and the Provincial Institute of thermal cooperation to carry out the introduction of Maozao jujube cultivation test, when the introduction of 1400, good growth, and some income. From 1987 to 1990, the county’s hairy dates have been developed to 2,500 acres, put into operation an area of ​​600 acres, with an annual output of 180,000 kilograms of fresh fruit, income of about 360,000 yuan; has become the province for grafting hundreds of thousands of species Seedling breeding base. In the past two years, Mao Yezao has been listed as an ideal species for afforestation and forestation of “long-defensive” projects. First, the habitat of the leaves of Maozao Mao leaves jujube small evergreen tree, strong sprout. 4 to 6 meters high, stalks short sting, leaves alternate, with a short handle, long oval or oval, leathery, serrated edge, gray-white leaves. From April to May every year, from September to October, flowers bloom once, and are born in leaves axils, the flowers are yellow-green. each
多数金针菇品种可以利用尿素作氮源,为了解其他氮源在金针菇栽培上应用的可能性,我们于1990年5—7月进行了六种氮源的试验,现将试验报告如下: Most species of Flammulina