完善保障机制 加快体系建设 全面提高残疾学生受教育水平

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我国教育法律界定的特殊教育,是指对视力残疾、听力语言残疾和智力残疾的特定适龄人群实施的专门教育。发展特殊教育,切实保障残疾人受教育权利,最大限度地补偿他们的身心缺陷,实现残疾人公共教育服务均等化,不仅是提高残疾人素质和实现教育公平的根本途径,也是衡量一个地区经济发展和社会和谐程度的重要指标。 Special education as defined in the education law of our country refers to specialized education for people of specific age group with vision disability, hearing language disability and intellectual disability. The development of special education, the effective protection of the right to education of persons with disabilities, the maximum compensation for their physical and psychological defects, and equalization of public education services for persons with disabilities are not only fundamental ways to improve the quality of persons with disabilities and to achieve education fairness, but also measure the economic development of a region And the degree of social harmony important indicator.
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