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清明时节,最重要的事就是祭拜先人。祭祖是传统习俗,一则慎终追远,二则忆往开来。如果溯及远祖,中华民族则以炎帝神农氏和黄帝公孙氏为华夏始祖。中国大陆早就有祭黄帝陵的大典,台湾岛内没有黄帝陵,也没有黄帝庙,不过每年台当局皆会循例举办遥祭黄帝陵的典礼,以示不忘本。清明前夕,新党主席郁慕明带领岛内少数民族青年前往大陆陕西祭拜轩辕黄帝。本是自然不过的事情,岛内有些政客却酸说“说原住民的祖先是黄帝,会让人见笑”。其实,台湾少数民族青年去参加祭拜黄帝陵的活动,就被认为是黄帝子孙,本身就很可笑。岛内社会宗教信仰繁多,诸如基督、佛陀、阿拉,每天祈祷、祭拜,也没见谁认为 Ching Ming Festival, the most important thing is to worship their ancestors. Sacrificing ancestors is a traditional custom, one will eventually chase away, the second recall to the future. If traced back to the ancestors, the Chinese nation to Yandi Shennong and Huangdi Gongsun as the Chinese ancestor. There have been ceremonies in the Chinese mainland to offer the Yellow Emperor Mausoleum. There is no Huangdi Mausoleum on the island of Taiwan and no Yellow Emperor Temple. However, Taiwan authorities each year routinely hold ceremonies of the Yellow Emperor’s Tomb. On the eve of Ching Ming, the chairman of the New Party, Yu Mu-ming, led the ethnic minorities on the island to go to the mainland Shaanxi for worship of the Yellow Emperor. This is a natural thing, but some politicians on the island are sour. “It is ridiculous to say that the ancestor of the indigenous people is the Yellow Emperor.” In fact, young people from Taiwan’s ethnic minorities went to participate in the activities of worshiping the Yellow Emperor’s Tomb and were considered as descendants of the Yellow Emperor itself, which is ridiculous. Island society, many religious believers, such as Christ, Buddha, Allah, daily prayer, worship, but also did not see who think
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