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一、设计规范与设计管理一台压力容器从设计到投入运行,要经过设计、制造、检验、安装、运行监督和维修等多个环节,设计是其中一个十分重要的环节。设计的正确、合理与否,不仅涉及制造、检验等环节的难易程度,影响到压力容器产品的制造成本和运转费用,而且直接关系到产品运行的可靠性。压力容器的设计,一般需满足下列要求:1)保证完成工艺生产;2)运行安全可靠; 3)达到预定的使用寿命;4)制造、检验、安装、操作和维修方便;5)制造和维修费用合理。对绝大多数压力容器而言,最主要的是要能保证完成工艺生产任务和安全运行。压力容器的设计是依据有关的设计规范或规定进行的。为此,许多国家都制定了自己的压力容器规范。以往我国压力容器的设 First, the design specifications and design management A pressure vessel from design to put into operation, to go through the design, manufacture, inspection, installation, operation supervision and maintenance and other links, the design is one of the most important aspects. The correctness and rationality of the design not only involves the ease of manufacturing and inspection, but also affects the manufacturing cost and running cost of the pressure vessel product, and is directly related to the reliability of the product operation. The design of pressure vessels generally must meet the following requirements: 1) to ensure the completion of process production; 2) safe and reliable operation; 3) to achieve the intended service life; 4) to facilitate manufacturing, testing, installation, operation and maintenance; The cost is reasonable. For the vast majority of pressure vessels, the most important thing is to be able to ensure the completion of the production process tasks and safe operation. Pressure vessels are designed according to the relevant design specifications or regulations. To this end, many countries have developed their own pressure vessel code. The past in our country pressure vessel design
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