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 2000年是以布莱尔为首的英国工党执政的第四个年头。在 2000年 11月的政府预算报告指出,至 2000年年底,通货膨胀率为 2.4%,经济增长率为 3%,基本上实现了低速平稳增长。工党政府于 2000年 7月发表了《卓越与机遇——面向 21世纪的科学与创新政策》白皮书,希望通过领先的基础科研和更加富有活力的技术创新,进一步提高科技进步对本国经济和社会发展的贡献率。   在新的科技政策白皮书中,政府比以往更加强调:   1.基础科研在知识经济竞争中的作用;   2.国家科研机构和大学与企业的密切合作;   3.企业应站在迎接新科学发现带来的挑战和开拓新的市场机遇的第一线;   4.人才在知识积累和技术创新中的首要作用;   5.建立适合科技创新的新的环境和体制;   6.公众对科学研究与发展的监督与支持。   除此以外,白皮书指出了政府在科技创新中的作用;同时,还分析了英国在当前世界科技竞争中所处的位置,并对加大科技投入、基础设施建设提出了中长期计划。还特别提出要加强政府各部门对相关科技发展的协调与管理,制定相应的科技发展战略。 The year 2000 was the fourth year the British Labor Party took power, led by Blair. In November 2000, the government budget report pointed out that by the end of 2000, the rate of inflation was 2.4% and the rate of economic growth was 3%, basically achieving steady and steady growth at a low rate. In July 2000, the Labor government issued a white paper entitled “Excellence and Opportunity - Science and Innovation Policy for the 21st Century”, hoping to further improve the economic and social development of our country through advanced basic research and more vigorous technological innovation The contribution rate. In the new white paper on science and technology policy, the government places more emphasis than ever before on: 1. The role of basic research in the competition for knowledge-based economy; 2. Close cooperation between state research institutes and universities and enterprises; 3. Enterprises should stand by the new scientific discovery zone The first line to challenge and open up new market opportunities; 4. the primary role of talent in knowledge accumulation and technological innovation; 5. the establishment of a new environment and system suitable for technological innovation; 6. the public's support for scientific research and development Supervision and support. In addition, the White Paper points out the role of the government in technological innovation. At the same time, it also analyzes the location of Britain in the current world science and technology competition and proposes medium- and long-term plans to increase investment in science and technology and infrastructure construction. In particular, it is proposed that all government departments should strengthen the coordination and management of the development of relevant science and technology and formulate appropriate strategies for the development of science and technology.
在快速跑教材的教学中,常常用“让距跑”练习方法来调动学生的积极性,锻炼学生的速度素质,让学生在追上与不被追上的心理驱使下更加积极地奔跑,对提高学生的速 In the teach
经典语录C LASSICAL Q 乌龟和兔子赛跑,免子又不肯睡觉,那么乌龟要做两件事,一件是如何向免子学习,培养兔子基因;第二如何利用赛跑的环境,比如在沼泽地赛跑。——柳传志一个
中国科学院1978—2000年研究生录取人数统计$中国科学院人事教育局@郑晓年 Chinese Academy of Sciences 1978-2000 graduate enrollment statistics $ Chinese Academy of
本文通过对以糖钙为主要原料的缓凝型减水剂及复合早强剂的理论分析、系统研究和应用,论证了开发应用外加剂具有良好的技术经济效果,为推广应用提供了依据。 In this paper,
随着科学技术日新月异地发展 ,多媒体辅助教学手段已逐渐走近课堂 ,成为学校课堂教学的重要手段之一。它以随机性、灵活性、全方位、立体化的方式把信息知识形象、生动地呈现